День: 11.10.2015

My response

When I read the published interview, I was immediately struck by Goffman’s account of the Chicago Sociology Department as if it had been an all-male environment, and his all-male friendship circle. At the time of publication I made some notes for a commentary on the inter­view, but merely filed them. Then Gary Alan Fine (1995) […]


Historically, as Nightwood amply confirms, both modernism and same-sex passion have relied upon the twentieth-century metro­polis as a place sufficiently large and diverse to enable them to survive, and eventually to flourish. But this link between sexual dissidence and urban geography can be found throughout gay and lesbian writing and not only in its modernist […]

Toward a solution

No on# mokes о commitment to a disadvantage Laws that make one sex more powerful than the other boomerang against both sexes — no one makes a commitment to a disadvantage. And when one sex doesn’t commit, both sexes lose love. We can see this happening in Australia, for example, where domestic violence is now […]

Occupational Choice

As indicated earlier, work life serves as a major source of identity, provides us with an official posi­tion, and influences lifestyle and social interac­tions; therefore, choosing an occupation is a serious matter. Although most people think occupational choice is largely the province of young adults, much of what we will consider also holds true for […]


Its most obvious cause was an immense growth in printed media. Already by 1700 the population of London was markedly more liter­ate than that of the rest of the country. Most men and women in the capital could read and write, including the bulk of servants and appren­tices. Ever since the invention of printing, however, […]

Raising Children

Single mothers are constantly asked about the men in their children’s lives. The implication is simple: men are essential to raising children. The reality revealed by my interviews is that—far from trying to create a world without men—single mothers and their children deliberately strive to include them. For this reason, I will pay special attention […]


Fatherlessness is a heated topic in America today. Some observers worry that fatherless families could lead to a generation of children with behavioral prob­lems, to juvenile violence in schools, to adolescent childbearing, and to future economic malaise.1 The executive branch of the U. S. government has proposed marriage incentives in the belief that female-headed households […]