День: 11.10.2015

The Goffman interview

In 1980 Jef Verhoeven conducted a long interview with Goffman in his house, as part of a series of such interviews with leading symbolic inter- actionists in the USA. Goffman died in 1982, during his term as President of the ASA. In 1992 Verhoeven published the text of their conversation edited to remove some ‘infelicities’. […]


Both Mulvey’s and Doane’s perspective of pleasurable female spectatorship is essentially negative, and the concept of unmediated pleasure for the female spectator is inconceivable within the psychoanalytic framework. The types of critiques which have emerged on the use of psychoanalytic theory by Mulvey and Doane have come from a number of directions—from feminist and non­feminist […]

The Changing Nature of Work

The traditional view of work assumes that one’s job consists of a certain set of tasks that need to be performed or a work-survival-status-life paradigm (Cascio, 1995). But this view is rapidly becoming outmoded. Global competition means that workers in the United States are competing for jobs with workers in the same industries in France, […]


This section shows how little impact all the work of all the feminist sociologists has had. It is to be contrasted with the following section, in which work by some very different men, who have treated feminist sociology with respect, is explored. The silverback narrative section begins with my personal response to the publication of […]