As soon as you will start to respect money then they will answer you with full reciprocity and will start to respect you! I recommend to begin adjustment of the financial life with this elementary action (respect for money). For this purpose it is necessary
День: 12.10.2015
To save money or not to save?
What association is caused in you by the word save: mockery and violence over, or one of ways of movement to the financial wellbeing? If you want to be in the chips with guarantee not only today, but also for the rest of the life, time
To that will you will be taught by Robert Kiyosakis game Cash flow?
Everyone who read at least Robert Kiyosakis one book from a series «The rich father. The poor father», reflected on importance of creation so-called «the passive income». However it is extremely difficult to unprepared person to realize book knowledge
What baizes from the history BitCoin became legends? Part 2
The success of the first криптовалюты – биткойна, caused explosive effect of creation numerous new криптовалют. Versions of such virtual electronic money today over five hundred! Source All founders of new types криптовалют dreamed to repeat
Whether it is necessary to get rid in crisis of money?
It is Perhaps more correct to spend all the accumulation – not to give it to be gone and depreciate? In a situation when the ruble becomes cheaper, products rise in price, and salaries decrease, it seems to us that to spend all the money in crisis
Whether the dollar will cost 80 rubles?
Will cost how many dollar in 2-3 months? It will cost 80 rubles – here my forecast! I will repeat once again – the dollar will cost 80 rubles! Why I am so confident in it? Read about it below. Dynamicfoto, So happened that the mankind got
How to build the correct relation to money at the child?
Money – an important component of life of each person. Them earn, change, accumulate, store, give. The majority of my acquaintances say that in the childhood never knew, money from where undertakes. Think, something changed in 21 centuries? Explain to the
Financial literacy. Why personal Ministry of Emergency Situations fund is necessary?
In life there is everyone: both pleasant, and unexpected. Not to think, where urgently to get money for suppression of sudden everyday fires, I recommend to you to reflect on creation own, personal, Ministry of Emergency Situations fund"
Ideal diet — what it?
Having analysed kind two tens (both network, and scientific, and absolutely glamour) the references devoted to diets, the author modestly tried to allocate a certain general rational link in these diets. And here – results. vgstudio, First
What to prepare from frozen fish? A cod in mustard sauce
Generally, unlike the same Norwegians, I to a cod somehow not especially. It and is clear. If at us, in Karelia, and not one thousand lakes as at the western neighbor and almost the relative, that, I think, somewhere it is close to that. Respectively, with