Popular cultural forms such as film have frequently served as vehicles to represent issues around race and ethnicity and to confirm representations of racial stereotypes. Modleski (1993:78) maintains that popular film is also used to explore ‘the highly charged taboo relationship between black men and white women’. In this context Modleski uses the film Gorillas […]
День: 13.10.2015
Beyond the couple
We have noted that in partners’ narratives there is a tendency to locate their commitment to their current relationship in terms of a life stage (see Chapter 4). Most saw their marriage as arriving at a particular stage in both a relationship and in life more broadly. The couples were conscious of their peers (whether […]
These broad imperatives must form the basis of any more specific radical feminist program. But our revolutionary demands are likely to meet anything from mild balking (“utopian. . . unrealistic. . . farfetched. . . too far in the future. . . impossible. . . well, it may stink, but you haven’t got anything better. […]
Double-Speak about the Body
Between the moral authority of the state’s censor board and preoccupation with women’s bodies through strategic camera angles and movement is the gratification and scopic pleasure that filmed bodies, especially those of the vamp, offer to both male and female viewers. The vamp is presented as the sexual — ized woman, craving men and their […]
Co-education and higher education for women
Although the practice of co-education at primary level had been sanctioned by the new Republican education system of 1912, most schools during the early years of the Republic continued to be segregated according to gender (school statistics that were reported to Beijing from the provinces consistently differentiate boys’ and girls’ schools).8 Moreover, as noted in […]
The Sexed Body and Ocular Pleasure
Before turning to the charge of masculine subterfuge employed in depicting rape scenes, I want to make an observation about the figure of the vamp—a liminal figure, favoured for decades in Hindi cinema, that significantly attenuated in the 1970s and had disappeared by the 1980s, coinciding with the emergence of the avenging woman. In a […]
Cultural Dynamics
The historicity of sexual ideology is seen not only in details like the content of heroism, but in its organization on the largest scale. In pre-capitalist and early modern Europe sexual ideology was organized as part of a religious world-view. The issues of sexual politics were framed as moral questions, to be decided by appeal […]
Educator sex: the oppressor professor versus the prudent student
ITEM While I was working on Why Men Are the Way They Are at a University of California library tr San Diego. I heard some panting from a nearby office. Of course. I refrained from looking (!). but it |ust so happened that the curtain was left slightly open (ah. for the slippage of spontaneity), […]
Uninterrupted time
For all the couples, the best of times was when they were not working so they could be together; but, more importantly than this simple proximity, it was when the stresses or worries associated with work did not intrude on their time together. They made the point that the time should be ‘stress free’, without […]
The seven hidden levels of on-the-job sex
Sexual blackmail A boss threatens tofire an employee unless she or he is sexual. If, for example, a male vice-president threatens to fire a female secretary unless she has sex with him, it is in the company’s best interest to get rid of him. Why? If a vice-president is willing to get rid of someone […]