День: 14.10.2015

Retraining Workers

When you are hired into a specific job, you are selected because your employer believes that you offer the best fit between abilities you already have and those needed to perform the job. However, as noted earlier, the skills needed to perform a job typically change over time. Such changes may be due to the […]

The Politics of Rape

АН тел are raptrn and chat’s all they are. Monlyn french, author of The Women’s Room1 Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience. Vossor College Assistant Dean of Students2 Imagine your son dating a woman from Vassar who feels that a man could gain from being falsely accused of […]


The popular press and its social counterparts, such as debating clubs and coffee-houses, were not merely the means of discussion: their practices also altered the very terms of debate. The new types of exchange created novel ways of thinking about morality. This was the second way in which the new media affected sexual sensibilities.1 For […]


Sexual harassment is a perfect metaphor for some of the most important challenges of the twenty-first century: the challenge to our genetic heritage of protecting women; the challenge to the stereotype of innocent woman/ guilty man; the challenge to keep our workplace flexible and fluid rather than petrified and paralyzed; the challenge to respond to […]


Drawing conclusions when writing about television is a seemingly impossible task. It eludes any comprehensive overview. Its ubiquity can only be viewed from a very limited perspective and its open-ended flow makes conclusions inevitably provisional. This book is best understood in the same way as the programmes it has been discussing; that is, in relation […]