День: 15.10.2015


The influence of poststructuralism on feminist debates has made earlier debates around identity, sexuality and representation problematic. However, as Patton (1993:82) notes, the poststructuralist debate itself came under attack from gender theorists such as Judith Butler (1990a), Donna Haraway (1991) and Sandra Harding (1986), who ‘sought to take the anti-essentialist arguments all the way down’ […]

Balancing the Ledger of Family Policy

The customary package of family-friendly policies provides the kind of benefits that transmit both public support for and confirmation of the life choices of mothers with young chil­dren who opt for the male model of early entry and continu­ous labor-force participation. At the same time, the state offers few, if any, benefits that aid and […]

Balancing the Ledger of Family Policy

The customary package of family-friendly policies provides the kind of benefits that transmit both public support for and confirmation of the life choices of mothers with young chil­dren who opt for the male model of early entry and continu­ous labor-force participation. At the same time, the state offers few, if any, benefits that aid and […]


The expanding scope of biography brings us to the final indication of shifting attitudes towards sex and publicity in this period: the grow­ing fame of types of people previously regarded as disreputable. Traditionally, biography had served a moral purpose. The lives of saints, martyrs, rulers, divines, and other worthies were valuable as exemplars of virtue, […]


Among scholars, there have been particularly angry responses to postmodernism among two groups: feminists and scientists. These two groups have different problems with postmodernism, which need attention here. There are feminists, including feminist sociologists, who have embraced postmodernism with alacrity and even abandon­ment. These postmodernist feminists are the focus of the third section of the […]

Showing Rape: The Double Victim

As feminists we are caught between a rock and a hard place: the erasure of rape from the narrative bears the marks of a patriarchal discourse on honour and chastity; yet showing rape, some argue, eroticizes it for the male gaze and purveys the victim myth. How do we refuse to erase the palpability of […]