День: 15.10.2015
Political Practice
The Scope of Sexual Politics In ordinary speech ‘politics’ is a narrow and faintly disreputable term, meaning elections, parliaments, presidents and party antagonisms. ‘Politician’ can be a term of abuse,.‘political’ a label for distrust. Social science has found the negative overtones unnecessary and the narrow definition untenable. In what follows ‘politics’ is assumed to be […]
Civil society organisations
During the socialist period of the Siad Barre era all but government — linked social organisations were banned. Change came in the early 1980s when international NGOs rushed to assist with the influx of refugees created by the 1977-78 Ogaden war, and to alleviate hardships arising from the World Bank-imposed structural adjustment programme. In their […]
Date fraud and date lying
If a man ignoring a woman’s verbal "no" is committing date rape, then a woman who says "no" with her verbal language but "yes” with her body language is committing date fraud. And a woman who continues to be sexual even after she says "no" is committing date lying. Do women still do this? Two […]
Making fictions of female destiny
postmodernism and postfeminism Feminists do not have to choose between feminism and exper — imentalism or postmodernism as if they were unified players in a contest, but rather must face harder questions. (Gordon, 1993: 1 1 1) T his chapter deals with two challenges to feminist sociology which have characterised the past ten to 15 […]
Goffman has carried the conceptual heritage of Dewey and of Gerth and Mills as far as he can without leaving his behaviorism and his “moments and their men” perspective. But now we need a theory that allows us to see how institutions—such as corporations—control us not simply through their surveillance of our behavior but through […]
The organismic view reduces us to an elicitation-expression model. The interactional model presupposes biology but adds more points to social entry: social factors enter not simply before and after but interactively during the experience of emotion. Let us say that a man becomes violently angry when insulted. What, in his cultural milieu, constitutes an insult? […]
Charles Darwin. Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) has offered a model of emotion for various other theorists and researchers. Darwin focuses on emotive expressions—that is, on visible gestures—and not on the subjective meanings associated with them. These gestures, he posits, were acquired during a prehistoric period and have survived […]
A fundamental goal of male feminism should be to facilitate the process of men unbecoming men, the process of men unlearning the patriarchal ways in which they have learned to become men. Ever since Simone de Beauvior articulated the idea that women are not born women, but rather become women, feminists have been grappling with […]
The second explanation for the attrition of women in academe touches private inequality more directly: women sooner or later cool themselves out by a form of “auto-discrimination.” Here, inequality is conceived not as the mark of a chairperson’s pen, but as the consequence of a whole constellation of disadvantages that alter what a woman wants […]