День: 15.10.2015

Political Practice

The Scope of Sexual Politics In ordinary speech ‘politics’ is a narrow and faintly disreputable term, meaning elections, parliaments, presidents and party antag­onisms. ‘Politician’ can be a term of abuse,.‘political’ a label for distrust. Social science has found the negative overtones unneces­sary and the narrow definition untenable. In what follows ‘politics’ is assumed to be […]

Making fictions of female destiny

postmodernism and postfeminism Feminists do not have to choose between feminism and exper — imentalism or postmodernism as if they were unified players in a contest, but rather must face harder questions. (Gordon, 1993: 1 1 1) T his chapter deals with two challenges to feminist sociology which have characterised the past ten to 15 […]


Goffman has carried the conceptual heritage of Dewey and of Gerth and Mills as far as he can without leaving his behavior­ism and his “moments and their men” perspective. But now we need a theory that allows us to see how institutions—such as corporations—control us not simply through their surveil­lance of our behavior but through […]


The organismic view reduces us to an elicitation-expression model. The interactional model presupposes biology but adds more points to social entry: social factors enter not simply before and after but interactively during the experi­ence of emotion. Let us say that a man becomes violently angry when insulted. What, in his cultural milieu, consti­tutes an insult? […]


Charles Darwin. Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) has offered a model of emotion for vari­ous other theorists and researchers. Darwin focuses on emo­tive expressions—that is, on visible gestures—and not on the subjective meanings associated with them. These gestures, he posits, were acquired during a prehistoric period and have survived […]


The second explanation for the attrition of women in academe touches pri­vate inequality more directly: women sooner or later cool themselves out by a form of “auto-discrimination.” Here, inequality is conceived not as the mark of a chairperson’s pen, but as the consequence of a whole constella­tion of disadvantages that alter what a woman wants […]