Subjection of a group of people to violence based on their membership in that group is a clear indicator of that group’s powerlessness, be it Christians to lions or the underclass to war. In the United States, we subject men to violence via law (the draft), via religion and custom (circumcision), via socialization and incentive […]
День: 18.10.2015
This study was triggered by a small but intriguing advertisement in a Brookline, Massachusetts, community newspaper. The headline read “SINGLE ISSUES.” It went on: Is single motherhood for me? 9 sessions on decision-making for women whose biological clock is ticking. Explore single parenting options vs. childfree living. Call Jane Smith at. . . The ad […]
The ambivalent figure of the female student
While condemnation of the ‘undisciplined’ and ‘arrogant’ behaviour of female students had been a constant feature of discourse in the newspaper and periodical press in the early years of the Republic, demonstrating an unease with the way women’s education was developing, so newspaper stories about female students during the May Fourth period (late 1910s and […]
Conclusion The wound that unifies all men is ihe wound of their disposability. Their disposability as soldiers, workers, dads. The wound of believing that they are lovable if they kill and die so others might be saved and survive. Stage 11 technology has ret ersed what humans need to do to survive. Stage И societies […]
From rape language to relationship language: Stage I to Stage II
Just as schools introduce students to Stage II technology by teaching computer language, schools must now introduce Stage II communication by teaching relationship language — teaching males and females to take responsibility for their verbal and nonverbal cues (including dress and makeup), what they attract, and how to change these cues to attract a better […]
Noreen’s story
In 1991 when people returned to Hargeisa and other parts of Somaliland such as Burao, Gebiley, or Arabseyo, they found little left standing. This was particularly the case in Hargeisa where so many houses and building had been destroyed. The mass destruction of homesteads meant that many people found themselves homeless. Amidst the destruction, Hargeisa […]
It is for the minority of academic women with children that the contradictions exist in their full glory. My own solution may be uncommon, but not the general contours of my dilemma. When I first decided to have a child at the age of thirty-one, my thoughts turned to the practical arrangements whereby I could […]
It is for the minority of academic women with children that the contradictions exist in their full glory. My own solution may be uncommon, but not the general contours of my dilemma. When I first decided to have a child at the age of thirty-one, my thoughts turned to the practical arrangements whereby I could […]
‘Gender ought not to be construed as a stable identity’, writes Judith Butler. Instead, it should be seen as an ‘effect’, the ‘mundane’ product of regularly repeated ‘bodily gestures, movements, and styles of various kinds’ that create the impression of ‘an abiding gendered self’, to cite once more a passage that was quoted earlier (Butler […]
If there ever was a quintessential postfeminist issue, pornography is it. (Modleski 1991:135) Modleski’s comment is an interesting one in reflecting on the debates around pornography that preoccupied feminism in the 1970s and early 1980s. It is insightful, if by it she means that the issue of pornography encapsulated debates around sexuality, identity and representation, […]