День: 18.10.2015


Susan Bassow earned a PhD from Harvard University in 1995; her disser­tation on climate change and its impacts on forests led to an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellowship in Washington, D. C., where she worked (before and throughout her first pregnancy) for the Environmental Protection Agency and President Clinton’s White House Office […]

Creating a Final Scenario

When given the chance, many adults would like to discuss a variety of issues, collectively called end-of-life issues: management of the final phase of life, after-death disposition of their body and memo­rial services, and distribution of assets (Green, 2008; Kleespies, 2004). How these issues are confronted represents a significant generational shift (Green, 2008). Parents and […]

End-of-Life Issues

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What is a personal final scenario? • What are hospices, and what options do they provide? • How do people make their end-of-life intentions known? J ean is a 72-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. She has vivid memories of her father dying a long, protracted death in […]

Death Anxiety

We have seen that how people view death varies with age. In the process, we encountered the notion of feeling anxious about death. Death anxiety is tough to pin down; indeed, it is the ethereal nature of death, rather than something about it in particu­lar, that usually makes us feel so uncomfortable. We cannot put […]