День: 29.10.2015

What is Gender?

Much of this book was written within the warmth of supportiveness of the sociology department at the University of Aberdeen. I am indebted to my col­leagues there in so many ways and I continue to miss their laughter. The book was finished at Flinders University and I apologize for ruining some of our pleasant lunches […]


When I was thirty-one, a moment occurred that crystallized the concern that drives this book. At the time, I was an assistant pro­fessor in the sociology department at the University of California, Berkeley, and the mother of a three-month-old child. I wanted to nurse the baby—and to continue to teach. Several arrangements were possible, but […]

Signe Arnfred

structures among Creole women of African descent in Suriname, where such re­lationships are called mati. In Suriname, ‘mati-work’ is part of working-class cul­ture, as opposed to the middle-class, where according to dominant values women must be ‘feminine’ and dependent on men; as seen from middle-class positions ‘mati-work’ is perceived as ‘rowdy, unseemly behaviour’ (Wekker 1997:338). […]

Same-sex relations

Amazingly, until recently, same-sex relations have been understood as (largely) non-existent in Africa, the official (and widespread) opinion being that same-sex is decadence, imposed on Africa from the outside. Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe made that very clear in his (in)famous speech at the opening of the Zim­babwe International Book Fair in 1995: “I find it […]

Signe Arnfred

Thabo Mbeki’s speeches (above) are a case in point. This politics further tends to keep desire out of the politics of ‘race’, as well as that of sex and gender. Neverthe­less, particularly as not acknowledged, this politically incorrect desire goes on working as an active force in the continued re-producing and re-fetishisation of ‘race’. Pleasure […]

Signe Arnfred

Problems of Pleasure and Desire Increasingly, as shown above, sexuality for pleasure—for men and for women— is acknowledged as a social fact, and investigated as such by sociologists, anthro­pologists and historians. A direct focus, however, on pleasure and desire opens a wide field of investigations, the contributions in this volume showing a range of possible […]

Signe Arnfred

man control through modern contraceptives (so-called family planning). The as­sumption regarding people in Africa (or in the Third World in general) being more ‘primitive’ than the West, would be that they are also more ‘natural’, with sex as a matter of course being linked to procreation. This however is not the case. There are many […]