День: 30.10.2015

Meeting Global Feminist Objectives

In light of these concerns and obstacles—as in most studies examining gender violence in comparative perspective (e. g., Elman 1996; Weldon 2002; Kantola 2006; Zippel 2006)—this study relies on assessing responsiveness of the state and society rather than effectiveness. In other words, the study investigates the degree to which certain initiatives are taken up rather […]

The late 19th century: campaigning women

It was not until the second half of the 19th century that anything like a true women’s ‘movement’ began to emerge in England. This movement converged particularly around Barbara Leigh Smith and the group of friends who had become known — after one of their early meeting places — as ‘the Ladies of Langham Place’. […]

Design of the study

Neoimperialist Concerns, Empirical Obstacles Investigating this study’s central question—whether foreign intervention can help women—requires creating standards of measurement, a move complicated by the colonial history of justifying imperialist projects under the guise of “help­ing” women. This concern is especially acute when the United States claims to be “in the forefront of advancing women’s causes around […]

Heike Becker

applies to the written and visual ethnographic oeuvre of the native commissioner cum self-styled ethnographic authority C. H.L. (‘Cocky’) Hahn.[20] The colonial era ethnographies are typified by their stasis in space and time. Most published sources only depict the eastern Owambo communities of Ouk — wanyama and Ondonga, in spite of their authors’ claims that […]


These developments can be described as an evolutionary drift from being what I have called a paradigmatic social order to its current and possibly permanent postparadigmatic social condition. Paradigmatic contexts are those that realize a high degree of consensual meanings, shared meanings that tend to fit together almost seamlessly, since they are of ten experienced […]

Or the Secret Power of Being a Consumer

Here’s yet another way female roles are changing to give us more power in the business world: we buy stuff, lots of it. “At the same time that their managerial representation is growing, women also make and influence purchasing deci­sions,” the research organization Catalyst finds. “In 2001, women earned almost $2 trillion of income in […]


This study adopts a case study methodology to examine the entire collaboration process of three virtual teams. In the field of Information Systems (IS) research, the case study is one of the fre­quently adopted research methods, and its felicity is widely acknowledged (Orlikowski, 1993). The case study method is believed to provide rich and insightful […]