День: 30.10.2015

. Efundula: Women’s Initiation, Gender and Sexual Identities in Northern Namibia

representations of efundula have been invoked by different sections of the Owam — bo population in attempts to affirm claims to hegemonic defining power over lo­cal and national, gendered public culture.[18] Numerous recent studies, such as Cooper and Stoler (1997), have shown that colonialism was not a stable model, but subject to multiple internal tensions. […]

Linguistic Acts

Social interactions can be mediated through lan­guage or more precisely “linguistic acts” (Klein & Huynh, 1999). Researchers have suggested that the analysis of language acts and communicative practices involved in collaboration brings a deeper understanding on the collaboration processes (Cecez-Kecmanovic & Webb, 2000). There are three major linguistic acts occur­ring in team processes: those addressing […]

Fetal Images

As a brief submitted by over four hundred professional historians in the Webster case argued, never before in history has the fetus been the primary focus of campaigns to restrict abortion. In the mid-to-late nine­teenth century in the United States, such campaigns had a variety of pur­poses all unrelated to "protecting fetal life": the protection […]

The Lens of Theory: Parenting Out of Control

My findings of intimacy and hovering combined with elastic constraint and covert surveillance are central to my dubbing the professional middle-class approach “parenting out of control.” Clearly intimacy and hovering lay the groundwork for control in the commonsense meaning of the word: parents are carefully guiding, shaping, and determining the contours of their chil­dren’s actions. […]


A second critical aspect of postmodernity is an extraordinary heightening of individuation which can be described as the consequence of the multiplication and segregation of roles available to, in some measure forced upon, the individual. One result is that persons can share a nearly identical portfolio of roles without sharing similar commitments or coming to […]