День: 30.10.2015

New Trends

In some ways, a combination of social trends is actually moving us farther away from a solution, while a change in male attitude seems at the same time to be moving us forward—until recently. Since this book first appeared, the proportion of couples who work two jobs has increased. At the same time, the workweek […]

Group Processes

Group processes can be viewed from two as­pects — group communication (the linguistic acts in the communication process) and the actual group dynamics present (Goldberg & Larson, 1975). While the former focuses on the com­munication process between group members, the latter examines the many behavior patterns of the interaction and interpersonal relationships between group members. […]

Introduction: Foreign Intervention. and Gender Violence

W hen the Russian borders opened in the early 1990s, the inter­national community responded with an unprecedented torrent of attention to issues such as rape, sexual harassment, domestic vio­lence, and later, trafficking in women. Small grants and then larger grants funded Russian academics to research and then to create crisis centers and other non­governmental organizations […]


To finish a project of this size requires both professional and personal support. I have had both in abundance, and I am truly grateful. For their patient descriptions and explanations, I thank the activists and schol­ars active in Russia, especially Nataliia Abubikirova, Elisabeth Duban, Gabri — elle Fitchett-Akimova, Venera Ibragimova, Irina Khaldeeva, Zoia Khotkina, Marina […]

Theory and Practice

The essays by Jane Braaten and Simone Chambers reflect on Habermas’s discourse ethics from the perspective of political praxis, assessing its importance and limitations in light of women’s lives, and with respect to feminist goals and practices. Jane Braaten argues that to a significant extent, Habermas’s theory of communicative rationality converges with the ideals of […]

The history of gender

Classic sociology and other social theory contain little attention to the social differences between women and men. Marx, Weber and Durkheim are not noted for their insights into ‘sex’ inequality (the word gender was not known to them in its present usage) and in fact tended mostly to consider women’s subordinate social role as a […]

Heike Becker

It came as a surprise, therefore, when in early 1996 the national television channel screened a half-hour programme on a recently held efundula} The TV programme (Carstens 1996) recorded the preparation of the ceremony, the per­formance of dances, songs and specific ritual practices, as well as interviews with some initiates and the ritual leader, an […]

Professional Activities, Climate, Institutional Resources, and Outcomes

(Chapter 4) The survey findings with regard to climate and resources demonstrate two critical points. First, discipline matters, as indicated by the difference in the amount of grant funding held by men and women faculty in biology, but not in other disciplines. Second, institutions have been doing well in addressing most of the aspects of […]