The chapters in this section address the topic of sex work in selected sites in the region. Elaine Jeffreys traces the history of prostitution in post-revolutionary China. The Communist regime in China claimed to have eradicated prostitution. Indeed, it would have been difficult to undertake such a taboo activity in the early post-revolutionary years when […]
День: 30.10.2015
This report does not exist in isolation. The committee has benefited greatly from three other National Academies’ reports on women in academic science and engineering. In 2001 the Committee on Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) published From Scarcity to Visibility: Gender Differences in the Careers of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers, a statistical analysis of […]
Shifts in the Abortion Scene
During the past decade of legal abortion in the United States—a period of heightened political conservatism—advocates of women’s reproductive freedom have faced a complicated paradox. Women’s "right" to abortion remains, at least at this writing, embedded in the formal apparatus of the law and, depending on the wording of the questions, commands remarkably consistent and […]
Sexual subcultures and communities
This section contains five chapters looking at diverse sexual subcultures and communities throughout the region. The section opens with a chapter by Patrick Galbraith on otaku sexuality in Japan. Otaku is a Japanese term originally meaning ‘you’ or ‘your house’ which in the 1980s came to be widely applied to ‘nerdy’ young men who eschewed […]
The early 19th century: reforming women
The 19th century saw an increasingly widespread and articulate statement of women’s claims — perhaps in reaction to the emergence of an image of true ‘femininity’ that seemed to become more constricted as the century wore on: a class-based ideal of gentility and refinement. But though many women (and men) spoke out eloquently against and […]
Separate Spheres? Hostile Worlds?
Social critics and scholars have divided among three clusters of answers to these questions. A first group, the most numerous, have long proposed the twin ideas of “separate spheres and hostile worlds”: distinct arenas for economic activity and intimate relations, Table 1.1. Risky Dual Relationships for Practicing Psychologists Prime Professional Relationship Other Relationship Example Therapist/Counselor […]
. Re-Thinking Sexualities in Africa: Introduction
The contrast between on one hand these kinds of stories from various parts of Africa, of female genitals seen as sources of power, fear and awe, and on the other hand present-day conceptions of female genital organs as invisible and unmentionable (cf. Machera’s chapter) is striking. A speculation regarding the importance of missionary interventions in […]
The Rest of the Book
Chapter i puts these questions into the context of feminist and political science theories and clarifies the study design and key concepts. Chapter 2 discusses the construction of a global normative consensus on violence against women and contrasts this consensus with Russia’s historical approach to gender violence. It also provides more background on gender in […]
Sexual politics
The five chapters in this section look at the politics of sexuality in the region, including the regulation and stigmatisation of certain kinds of sexual practices, identities and communities, and resistance to the governmental regulation of sexualities. The section opens with Douglas Sanders’ general overview of legal regulations pertaining to sexual minorities in the region. […]
Recognizing at the outset the need for new data, the committee conducted two national surveys in 2004 and 2005 of faculty and academic departments in six science and engineering disciplines: biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, and physics. The first survey of almost 500 departments focused on hiring, tenure, and promotion processes, while the […]