День: 31.10.2015

Cross-Case Analysis

Based on the data analysis invoking the template coding and CLD techniques, we summarize the key variables of interest and its relationships. This is depicted in Table 3. While it seems that the male anonymous team performed the best, members of the identified teams were more satisfied. To understand the outcomes, the paper analyzes the […]

Status of Women in Academic Science and. Engineering in 2004 and 2005

Over the past 30 years, legislators, government agencies, professional societies, university administrators, and faculty have increasingly endeavored to raise the number of women pursuing higher education and careers in science and engineering (S&E). To a degree, these efforts have succeeded. Women have made substantial strides both in participating in postsecondary S&E education and in attaining […]


Similarly, the naturalization of sex that accompanied its modernization tended to welcome Freud’s drive theory and its corresponding invention of a sexually responsive infant and child, even when much of the other baggage of psychoanalytic theory was rejected. Viewing sexuality as a biologically ordered developmental process allowed for the introduction of a language of sexual […]

Preserving ‘morality’: Efundula in the time of AIDS

“In our tradition we are very Christian”. This commonly-heard statement exem­plifies the cultural identity of many Owambo in the postcolonial era. In Owambo, where the proportion of practising Christians is estimated at about 90 per cent, Christianity has largely succeeded in restructuring people’s conceptual universe in important respects, including the social, cultural and political representations […]


Cultural license was granted to contemplate the sexual, but in an isolation that actually reinforced the continuing exile of the sexual from the rest of social life. The experience of sexual conduct was necessarily viewed as translatable into the facts of sexual behavior—the idea that the establishing of the physical geography of the sexual orgasm […]