Месяц: Октябрь 2015

Heike Becker

versity of Namibia were commissioned to study (male and female) initiation in the mid-1990s, word quickly made the rounds that they were researching ‘female gen­ital mutilation’(FGM). The local Namibian variant is framed by an international gender-and-develop — ment discourse and a concomitant school of thought in feminist Africanist re­search. With its stress on the perceived […]


This narrow conception of the application of scientific method found passionate adherence among sexual researchers for the obvious reason that it provided protection and legitimacy. The language of science, its postures, even its costumes, became the conceptual rubber gloves that allowed for the examination of what the larger social world predominantly viewed as “dirty business”. […]

Recession Proof

When we started writing this book, women friends and col­leagues would say nervously, as they watched Wall Street strug­gle to stay afloat, “Wow, that’s great news about our clout in the business world, but what happens in a recession? Doesn’t that mean we all have to go back to keeping our noses to the grind­stone […]

Testing for Disabilities

Professional middle-class parents spoke knowledgeably about learning dis­abilities. When their children did not perform at a satisfactory level, they had their children tested to find out whether there might be some psychological or physiological cause. If tests confirmed one of the new class of learning disabilities (e. g., ADD, ADHD), parents requested that schools make […]

. Efundula: Women’s Initiation, Gender and Sexual Identities in Northern Namibia

scale premarital pregnancies of young women (‘teenage pregnancies’) and AIDS. The social significance of efundula in regulating female sexuality and fertility, which, as informants in Owambo have suggested, need more attention in re­search and education, has certainly not been recognised by the Christian church­es. Instead, the Lutheran church particularly persists in its policy that young […]