Месяц: Октябрь 2015

Legal Categories

Let us look more closely at legal practices that regulate intersections of intimacy and economic transactions. Legal practice displays a de­gree of internal coherence and autonomy, but it does not evolve and exist in an entirely separate world. As a first approximation, it helps to distinguish three interacting social phenomena: relational pack­ages, social categories, and […]

Intimate Economies and the Law

More generally, the two cases illustrate important points concerning the law’s intervention in intersections of intimacy and economic life. Intimate relations only become legal cases in rare circumstances; most of the time intimately connected people work out their differ­ences without litigation. However, when such private disputes turn into legal suits, courts regularly adopt hostile worlds […]

Intimacy in Law

^Ve return to Louisiana more than a century later. In 1958, super­market entrepreneur John G. Schwegmann Jr. began dating, and bedding, sixteen-year-old Mary Ann Blackledge. They continued to have sexual relations when they started living together in May 1966. At that point, according to Blackledge, the middle-aged, twice di­vorced Schwegmann offered to “share everything” with […]

Heike Becker

opportunity of obtaining training in professions such as nursing which allowed them to develop new perspectives within a changing society (Becker, 1995:105). Altered gendered sexualities played themselves out in different ways in the Owambo communities. The growing attraction to Christianity as a cultural strat­egy to claim modernity did not necessarily mean that people abandoned older […]

The care of children

The low status of mothers in the labour market has therefore been closely related to the limitations of social provisions such as child care. How has child-care provision changed during the twentieth century? Proponents of the degradation-of-mothering thesis have often argued that improvements that have facilitated child care—from antibiotics to plumbing—have been offset by rising […]

A Note on Intimacy in Economic Sociology

Within the social sciences, sociologists and anthropologists have taken the major responsibility for describing and explaining intimate relations. My analyses will frequently refer to anthropological stud­ies, but will draw especially on sociology. This appendix provides a brief overview of relevant discussions in economic sociology for those who have a special interest in the field. Sociologists […]