Месяц: Октябрь 2015


The committee interpreted its charge to include three goals: (1) to update earlier analyses with newer information, (2) to provide a more thorough under­standing of the scope of potential gender differences in S&E faculty, and (3) to recommend methods for further informing or clarifying assumptions about gender and academic careers. Establishing causes for any observed […]

Christianity, ‘tradition’, identity and gender

There is no doubt that the cultural discourse and practice of gender and sexuality in Owambo were shifting through the impact of Christianity. Earlier, the initiation was central to the definition of female identity. It legitimatised women’s adult­hood, sexuality and fertility. A long process of preparation for womanhood which had begun during early girlhood, culminated […]

Meanings of paid work and its complex consequences

Migrant women’s participation in paid work generally provides financial and emotional fulfilment. As Burgess (2004: 235—36) argues, working outside the home (paid or unpaid) is a process of regaining social capital that was compromised in the process of migration, broadening women’s social networks and their lives in general. Paid work offers migrant women a contact […]

Crafting marital relationships and establishing a place in the household

While marriage migration presents a set of similar challenges to all migrant women, details vary in different localities, and the ways in which women make sense of them also differ depending on each individual’s personal and cultural background. Some foresee challenges and subtly negotiate with their fiances, as in the case of a well-educated Filipina […]