The sociological imagination (Mills, 1959) is a way of thinking that is very useful in understanding all sorts of social phenomena, including the social construction of differences between women and men (Jackson, 1998a).This entire book is about the social construction of those differences, so what I say here will provide a framework to aid in […]
Месяц: Октябрь 2015
The Economy of Gratitude
The interplay between a man’s gender ideology and a womans implies a deeper interplay between his gratitude toward her, and hers toward hiln. For how a person wants to identify himself or herself influences what, in the back and forth of a marriage, will seem like a gift and what will not. If a man […]
Beyond dichotomies: Gendered migration in the global economy
Mahler and Pessar (2006: 42—43) suggest a concept of gendered geographies of power to articulate how gender operates in relation to migration. Geographical scales, social locations, and human agency and imaginations (such as meanings and values) all intersect with each other. Recent studies of marriage migration following such an understanding of power (Constable 2005; Faier […]
Heike Becker
For the most part, the missionaries posed as saviours of African women whom they imagined as downtrodden ‘beasts of burden’, trapped in the sinful darkness of the continent. However, the Christian discourse on gender and sexuality was far from unitary. From the early years of the Rhenish Lutherans’ work in Oukwanyama their views on Owambo […]
Marriage migration in East Asia
Tomoko Nakamatsu Introduction Marriage migration broadly refers to ‘migration within or as a result of marriage’ (Palriwala and Uberoi 2008: 23). It encompasses domestic or cross-border, and intra — or inter-ethnic (or inter-cultural) marriage. A marriage migrant may be female or male. While marriage migration has a long history in Asia, the intra-regional flow has […]
There are times in life when the question of knowing if one can think differently than one thinks, and perceive differently than one sees, is absolutely necessary if one is going to go on looking and reflecting at all. (Michel Foucault 1985) INTRODUCTION The very use of the term postmodern in application to so many […]
Findings from Team A
Team A consisted of 3 male members — Jack, Don and Vernon (pseudonyms). They formed their group themselves and had previously worked with each other before. During their collaboration they were very much task-focused although at times they engaged in small talk and regulation ofnorms. Members began with trying to understand the task required of […]
1.2 Data Analysis During data analysis, we used the rich insights available in the case to help us reconstruct and reveal the collaboration process. Template coding (King, 1998) and causal loop diagram (CLD) mapping were conducted to analyze the data. Template coding was used to generate categories to represent the concepts of interest while CLD […]
Gender Strategies
When a man tries to apply his gender ideology to the situations that face him in real life, unconsciously or not he pursues a gender strategy.2 He outlines a course of action. He might become a “superdad”—working long hours and keeping his child up late at night to spend time with him or her. Or […]
A Case Study
Although I compare within the case, this is a case study of Russia. This choice reflects my commitment to “thick description” (Geertz 1973) and the sense that often the social science that matters most are those studies that tell good stories, paying attention to historical circumstances and particularities (Tilly 1984). As this is a story […]