День: 01.11.2015


This communist approach to gender violence was predicated on a traditional gen­der ideology about women’s and men’s roles in the home and intimate life. So­viet promises of equality were not realized in everyday life. Women faced a dou­ble burden, having to work outside the home as good Soviet citizens while also expected to shoulder the […]


Throughout the Choshn Dynasty (1392—1910), Confucian ideology had defined marriage as a relationship forged between two families (see Choi in this volume). In other words, a com­mitment of marriage signified an alliance between two families whether as a strategy to expand influence in the region or to smooth relations between rival factions. Individuals were defined […]

‘African sexuality’ against the grain: A feminist reading

Boiled down to essentials the problem regarding ‘African sexuality’ from the point of view of Caldwell et al. is that necessary (male) control and regulation of female sexuality is lacking, and that ‘female chastity’ (emblem of civilization) is not held in sufficient regard. From a feminist point of view readings and evalua­tions will obviously differ: […]

Respondent Profile

Initially an in-depth profile of the female busi­ness owner was developed by investigating their personal characteristics which aligned with the stereotypical profiles documented in previous literature. The seven entrepreneurs had obtained a third level educational award with two respon­dents holding a Masters Degree, thus reflecting the high levels of education of female owner/ managers (Fitzsimons […]

Nancy Chodorow

Nancy Chodorow (1978) later provided a more woman-centred alternative to the original Freudian understanding of the psychological differences between women and men. Chodorow shares the same framework as Freud but understands the development of femininity as a smooth process rather than as a kind of deviation from a male ‘normality’. Chodorow suggests that because women […]


I want to suggest that although (obviously) women have always had children, it is only with the rise of late modernity that we see the emergence of the legal institution that we now recognize as motherhood. Before the middle of the nineteenth century, women had no legal status or standing as mothers; put simply, motherhood […]

Haphazard Policy and Practice

In contrast to this global feminist call for the systematic response to violence against women as a violation of women’s human rights, the Soviet response to various forms of gender violence was haphazard. For instance, before 1991, do­mestic violence was intermittently regulated under the rubric of “hooliganism” (Sperling 1990, 19). Not explicitly about violence between […]


An exploratory study — a series of face to face in­depth interviews with seven female mompreneurs was conducted. The objectives ofthe research were to obtain an insight into the profile of the entrepre — neurs and their objectives for the growth of their business. Detail was obtained on their perception of ICT, its role and […]