The new link between violence against women and human rights also enlisted human rights monitors already active on other issues, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Despite early assertions that rights could not be denied based on sex (e. g., in the U. N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights), most human rights advocates […]
День: 01.11.2015
The Ladder — It Is a’ Crumbling
Even without your iPod you can hear echoes ofBob Dylan around every watercooler these days. The hot currency in office boasting sessions is quickly moving from the number of power breakfasts under your belt to the number of school plays you’ve managed to make. Women may be driving this workplace revolution, but make no mistake, […]
. ‘African Sexuality’/Sexuality in Africa: Tales and Silences
ground caves and passages.[48] Thus this male-invented split in female sexuality is also presented in Haggard’s novels: virgin lands contra gruesome caverns. The implicitly sexualized landscape is serene and pure—but also threatening. In the lines of thinking at Haggard’s time, metaphors of imperialism and sexuality were closely interwoven. The land was seen as a female […]
Type of Businesses Established
Female business activity is confined in the main to what are viewed as “feminised occupational industry sectors” (Carter & Bennett, 2006; Henry & Johnston, 2003; Marlow, Carter & Shaw, 2008; Small Business Service, 2003). These include businesses in the catering, personal and business services, training and development and recruitment. According to the Gender Equality Unit […]
Motivation to Start the Business
It is a widely held claim that women start a business to have more flexibility and freedom to juggle work, leisure and family commitments. Business growth is not an explicit objective as it would conflict with their purpose of choosing self employment (Arenius & Kovalainen, 2006; Brush, Carter, Gatewood, Greene, & Hart, 2004; Chell & […]
Patriliny and the ideology of chastity in the Choson Dynasty
During the Koryh dynasty (918—1392) women enjoyed a great deal of freedom and had extensive rights. They shared inheritance equally with their brothers, moved about freely, and could divorce or remarry without stigma (Kwdn 1995: 50). These conventions changed dramatically when the new Choscin dynasty (1392—1910) adopted and implemented neo-Confucian tenets as the ruling ideology. […]
Sigmund Freud thought that gender differences developed from the way in which individuals learned to give meaning to their anatomy and to ‘repress’ drives, especially the sex drive, in order to allow ‘civilized’ society to function. He was an Austrian who began developing what became known as psychoanalysis at the beginning of the twentieth century. […]
The hiring process consists of a series of decisions made sequentially by an academic department and job applicants. A department is authorized to search to fill a faculty position. The search may be for a senior faculty member who will be offered a tenured position; for a tenure-track position, which has the potential to become […]
The Downshift
Look—having been shoehorned into an inhospitable, male — created work environment for all these years, it should be no surprise that our attitude toward work is so conflicted. But the real headline isn’t that women are quitting in droves, as was the big news ten years ago. It’s how much we’re modifying our professional goals […]
Reproductive Politics, Past and Future
Even if contraception were perfected to infallibility, so that no woman need ever again bear an unwanted child; even if laws and customs change—as long as women and women only are the nurturers of children, our sons will grow up looking only to women for compassion, resenting strength in women as ‘control/ clinging to women […]