День: 02.11.2015

Inaccuracy, and Demographic Bias

Regardless of the survey strategy used, sex researchers find that it is difficult to secure a representative sample. This occurs because many people do not want to participate in sex studies. For instance, assuming that you used proper sampling procedures to choose your sample of older married couples in the example discussed earlier, what propor­tion […]

Human Sexuality in a Diverse World

Sex in Black America number of males killed in war. White men freely raped female Native Americans, for whites could not be convicted of rape, or any crime, solely on the testimony of a “sav­age Indian.” Similarly, Americans used sexual imagery to criticize the Mexicans they en­countered in the West and Southwest; one writer claimed […]


Taiwan has anti-discrimination laws which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The Gender Equity Education Act of 2004 protects both the sexual orientation and gender identity of students. The Employment Services Act was amended in 2007 to bar discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. In addition, the Domestic Violence Protection […]

Beyond the natural body

Beyond the Natural Body presents an episode in the history of life sciences that is essential to our current understanding of sex and the body, and the relations between gender and science. Since the early decades of the twentieth century, the notion of the hormonally constructed body has become the dominant mode of conceptualizing bodies, […]


In terms of these prominent discourses of motherhood it is possible to argue that it was in the decade of the 1970s that the boundaries between good and bad motherhood were most blurred. Not only were there increasing material supports for different forms of motherhood, but alternative household organizations were prefigured and motherhood began (symbolically […]

Questionnaires and Interviews

Once selected, subjects in a sample can be surveyed through a paper-and-pencil or computerized questionnaire or a face-to-face interview. These procedures involve ask­ing the participants a set of questions, which might range from a few to over 1,000. These questions can be multiple-choice, true-or-false, or discussion questions; subjects can respond alone, in the privacy of […]

Gender socialization at school

Schooling has historically emphasized gender differences, with girls often disadvantaged because of the gendering of subjects, a lack of role models, sexist resources, and the way that classroom interaction operated to favour boys (Delamont, 1990). Formal education in many cultures has been available only to the privileged few until relatively recently. Compulsory primary education was […]

Choosing the Sample

The questions asked by sexologists often apply to populations that are too large to study in their entirety. For example, if you wanted to obtain information about the sexual practices of American married couples in their later years, your population would include all married couples in the United States over a given age, say, 65. […]

Liselott Dellenborg

assumed by many that the procedure is an ancient, un-changing custom intro­duced by men in order to control women’s reproduction and deny them their sex­uality. In this paper I will show that from a local perspective in Senegal, the cul­tural interpretations of female circumcision are very different from these Western assumptions. My study of the […]

Porn Defies Clear Definition

In the 1950s Superman television series, the townspeople regularly gath­ered on the street, pointed up at the sky, and exclaimed, “It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman!” If only it were that easy to clearly identify what pornography is. It’s hard to think of anything more difficult to classify. Our general sense of what […]