Erotyka japonska nie miala prawie zadnego wplywu na histori? erotyki w Europie. W kulturze japonskiej we wszystkich dziedzinach zycia, sztuki і literatury podejscie do seksualnosci bylo naturalne; traktowano jf| jako jednq. ze sfer zycia nie wyrozniaj^cq si? niczym szczegolnym, a wi? c reglamentowan^ podobnie jak inne przejawy zycia indywidualnego. Kontakty erotyczne mi? dzy m? zczyznq […]
День: 02.11.2015
Permanence and change INTRODUCTION Scripts are essentially a metaphor for conceptualizing the production of behavior within social life. Most of social life most of the time operates under the guidance of an operating syntax, much as language, as a shared code, becomes a precondition for speech. The construction of human behavior potentially involves scripting on […]
Behavioral Theory
observed, and controlled by scientists. Radical behaviorists (those who believe that we do not actually choose how we behave), such as B. F. Skinner (1953), claim that environmental rewards and punishments determine the types of behaviors in which we engage. This is referred to as operant conditioning. We learn certain behaviors, including most sexual behaviors, […]
Several interesting themes emerged during the interviews with the women in IT. The women who participated in this study articulated several barriers and enhancers to their careers. The answers agree with Quesenberry and Trauth’s (2007) assertion that individual experiences, temporal situations and environmental factors influence how women make career decisions. It is also apparent that […]
Real or Constructed?
I enter the debates about sex and gender as a biologist and a social activist.18 Daily, my life weaves in and out of a web of conflict over the politics of sexuality and the making and using of knowledge about the biology of human behavior. The central tenet of this book is that truths about […]
Psychological Theories
Of the psychological theories of sexuality, the most influential has been Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Freud felt that the sex drive was one of the most important forces in life, and he spent a considerable amount of time studying sexuality. Psychoanalytic Theory Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria. In the […]
Nina’s Collision Course
In 1973, NinaTanagawa was one of five women in her entire college class to go on to earn a master s degree in business administration. In the early 1970s, when just a few companies were beginning to see the profit in female talent from top business schools, Nina was hired to work in the personnel […]
Kultura chinska
Jest to jedna zezterech najstarszyeh cywilizacji swiata. Na nastawienie tej kultury wobec seksualnosci znaczqcy wplyw wywarly doktryny religijne (konfuejo — nizm, buddyzm І taoizm). Stosunek wczesnego fconfucjonizmu do seksualnosci byl pozytywny, jednak ulegl on zmianie m. in. wskutek ewolucji w kierunku teistyeznym (przedtem konfuejonizm byl doktryny swiatopogl^dow^ і moralno-spolecznq, oprocz tego, ze byl religiq), jaki […]
What-if Exercise
• Imagine the face your boss will make if you take yourself out of the running for that big job. Will he look at you like you are speaking Swahili, as he wonders to himself why he ever invested in you? • You tell your supervisor you want to cut your time at the office. […]
Genital Alteration
Piercing and wearing jewelry on vulva tissues is one way some women alter the appearance of their genitals. Prior to the 1990s, in the Western world, body piercing was associated with exotic, faraway peoples seen in National Geographic. Now some men and women in the West have extended this form of "body art" to their […]