День: 02.11.2015

Computerized Assessment of Sexual Behavior

When an interviewer-administered questionnaire (IAQ) is used in sex research, the human element involved in a face-to-face encounter can influence the respondent to under­report certain sensitive behaviors and to overreport more normative or socially acceptable behaviors (Dolezal et al., 2011; Potdar & Koenig, 2005). A written or self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) provides an alternative survey method […]


There have always been women who protested against the patriarchy of their day, argued that women were as capable as men in the realms of work and politics, and defied their culture’s stereotypes about women. Yet the 20th century saw the most successful feminist movement in history. The women’s suffrage movement of the early 20th […]


Beginning in the early part of the century and increasingly by midcentury, the pioneers of sexual research were beginning to make scientific advances into the understanding of sexuality. Rejecting the religious and moral teachings about how people “should” be­have, researchers brought sex out into the open as a subject worthy of medical, scien­tific, and philosophical […]


Despite its implicit posture of describing social life from some transcendent elevation, all social science remains inescapably part of the social world it attempts to describe, explain, and understand. The modernization of sex, as suggested above, was itself an aspect of broad-ranging and continuous changes that in recent years affected virtually every sector of social […]


Although scientists don’t know about the exact origins of sex or early intimate relationships, they do know humans have been doing it since the beginning of their existence. After all, where on earth would we be without it?   AND ADAM ‘KNEW’ EVE   I^IMany believe that Original Sin is ‘sex’, but in the Bible […]

The Womens Crisis Center Movement:. Funding and De-funding Feminism

E ven as the new Russia was inhospitable to global feminism, liberaliza­tion and then the collapse of the Soviet regime opened Russia to a variety of global interventions designed to foster women’s mobilization, the first objective of global feminism. Some feminist foreigners and foreign women’s ad­vocacy groups came at the invitation of local groups hoping […]

Kultura indyjska

Jednq z czterech najstarszych cywilizacji jest indyjska (oprocz chinskiej, babilonskiej і egipskiej), rozwijajqca si? nad brzegami Indusu і Gangesu. Z duzym prawdopodobienstwem mozna przyjqc, ze fakt, iz kultura indyjska tak odmiennie niz kultura zachodnia byla ustosunkowana wobec seksualnosci, byl uwarunkowany (oprocz innych czynnikow) dominujqcym wplywem filozofii monistycznej. Istnieje podobienstwo w ustosunkowaniu si? do seksualnosci kultury […]

Electronic Devices for Measuring Sexual Arousal

Experimental research and direct-observation studies of human sexual responses often use measures of sexual arousal. In the early years of sex research, investigators had to rely largely on subjective reports of these responses. However, advances in technology over the last few decades have produced several devices for electronically measuring arousal (see I Figure 2.1). The […]