День: 03.11.2015


In this section we briefly review examples of a bias in favor of bio­logical explanations and identify key sociobiology terms and their appli­cations in “pop sociobiology,” as well as in more respectable formulations. In the following examples some flaws and contradictions are pointed out, while general flaws in sociobiology also are offered, and alternative analyses […]

Human Sexuality in a Diverse World

The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors In 2002, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals did the most comprehensive global study of sexual­ity to date (see the accompanying Human Sexuality in a Diverse World). The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors surveyed over 26,000 men and women in 28 countries. This study was the first […]

Global Feminism, Transnational Feminists

Though some local activism fizzled and some “parachute feminist” projects failed to thrive, the surviving centers grew with global feminist ideas and transnational feminist networking. The first centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg were cre­ated by gender studies centers already engaging in global feminism. New TFNs, such as the sister-to-sister feminist organization Network of East-West […]

Anatomy and physiology

Only a small percentage of the total volume of an ejaculate is made up of sperm cells. In older medical literature, as previously mentioned, a distinction was made between the sperm-cell portion or ‘nobler part’, ‘the aqueous elements’ from the seminal glands and the ‘oleagenous’ portion from the prostate. The prostate is about the size […]


As we have seen, the semen or seminal fluid ejaculated through the opening of the penis comes from a variety of sources. Fluids are supplied by the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the Cowper’s glands, with the seminal vesicles providing the greatest portion (DeMoranville, 2008). The amount of seminal fluid that a man ejaculates—roughly […]


We interviewed seven female engineers from India and five from the UK. There were six male engineers from India and nine from the UK. The data was collected between a eight to ten month period, this was also followed by a visit to India for field work for 4 weeks in between. The major­ity of […]

The formation of the women’s liberation movement

This movement was known as Uman ribu (woman lib), an adaptation of the transliterated English phrase women’s lib, which was, in turn, an abbreviation of ‘women’s liberation’. This name signalled both the activists’ solidarity with other women’s liberation movements around the world and their specificity as a new Japanese women’s movement. In this chapter, the […]