The theme of rights and responsibilities runs throughout the Act, the commentary that surrounds it and the parliamentary debates. The Act itself is characterised as ‘a package of rights and responsibilities’[120] and as aiming to ‘balance the responsibilities of caring for and maintaining a partner with a package of rights for example, in the area […]
День: 03.11.2015
Understood in its cultural context, excision among the Jola in southern Senegal is about much more than girls’ clitorises. The practice is carried out so that a girl can pray and be part of the women’s secret society, to acquire the practical, theoretical, A Reflection on the Cultural Meanings of Female Circumcision and corporeally ‘magical’ […]
U’K Sexuality research across Cultures ‘
Many studies examine sexuality in cultures outside the United States. Some have been general studies that examine knowledge levels and attitudes in different populations; others have evaluated specific areas such as pregnancy, rape, homosexuality, or sex education. Many times these studies are done by researchers in other countries, but some have also been done by […]
“A Dutyand a Privilege” : Feminism. and E ugenics
Should reproductive decisions be left entirely to the individual? How could the mother’s right to self-determination be balanced against the right of the child to be born healthy—as Ellen Key had put it, the “right of the child to choose its parents”? As we have seen from an earlier chapter, the eugenics movement gained many […]
The Cowper’s Glands
The Cowper’s glands, or bulbourethral glands, are two small structures, each about the size of a pea, located one on each side of the urethra just below where the urethra emerges from the prostate gland (see Figure 4.6). Tiny ducts connect both glands directly to the urethra. When a man is sexually aroused, these organs […]
Institutionalization of the Crisis Center Model
In the three following years, the already existing crisis centers expanded their services and began larger campaigns to raise national attention regarding the issue of violence against women. By 1997, ANNA had conducted a pilot research project, had launched a (relatively unsuccessful) “Men’s Solidarity project” loosely modeled on U. S. batterer treatment programs, and had […]
The Prostate Gland
The prostate (PROS-tayt) gland is a structure about the size and shape of a walnut, located at the base of the bladder (see Figure 4.6). As described earlier, both ejaculatory ducts and the urethra pass through this gland. The prostate is made up of smooth muscle fibers and glandular tissue, whose secretions account for about […]
Post-structuralists are interested in fragmentation and fluidity. Poststructuralism is about rethinking linguistic structuralism rather than completely rejecting it. Most of post-structuralism goes against key structuralist assumptions (see discussion of the linguistic turn below). It proposes that there is no underlying ‘truth’ behind the appearances — the point is to analyze the ‘appearances’ (see Barthes, 1967, […]
Social inclusion
An examination of the explanatory material produced by the Women and Equality Unit reveals, first, a strong justification for registered partnerships to be found in the importance of social inclusion. The Final Regulatory Impact Assessment emphasises that this is one of the benefits of partnership registration, and a causal connection between law and social change […]
The Third Way?
No matter what one’s view of the political implications of the Act (if, indeed, it even registers on the political radar in a significant way), the contours of the Civil Partnership Act should not come as a surprise to any observer of New Labour ideology. I have elsewhere tried to understand New Labour’s ideological construction […]