When complexities, conflicts, and ambiguities become endemic at the level of cultural scenarios, much greater demands are placed on the actor than can be met by the adaptive possibilities of interpersonal scripts alone. The need to script one’s behavior, as well as the implicit assumption of the scripted nature of the behavior of others, is […]
День: 03.11.2015
The Seminal Vesicles
The seminal vesicles (SEH-muh-nul VEH-si-kuls) are two small glands adjacent to the terminals of the vas deferens (see Figure 4.6). The seminal vesicles play an important role in male fertility by contributing to the formation of healthy semen and functional sperm (Zhang & Jin, 2007). These glands secrete an alkaline fluid that is rich in […]
Founding the First Organizations
Though some had been informally helping women since the late 1980s, Russian activists founded the first women’s organizations dedicated to addressing violence against women between 1993 and 1995 in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia’s two major cities. Moscow-based ANNA (an acronym for the No to Violence Association) began informally in 1993 as a one-person hotline, […]
The Prostate and Seminal. Glands
Some women have endless trouble with their womb: for decades they endure the discomfort of painful periods, and then, just as hormonal retirement beckons, on come the hot flushes, to say nothing of other afflictions. Women sometimes feel that life has been unfair to them in this respect; that isn’t so. Men have their own […]
The Vas Deferens
Sperm held in the epididymis eventually drain into the vas deferens (vas DEH-fuh — renz), a long, thin duct that travels up through the scrotum inside the spermatic cord. The vas deferens is close to the surface of the scrotum along this route, which makes the common male sterilization procedure, vasectomy (vuh-SEK-tuh-mee), relatively simple. (Vasectomy […]
Intimacy among Households
Similar differentiation occurs with very different consequences in relations among friends, neighbors, and kin.[19] Margaret Nelson and Joan Smith’s study of interhousehold exchanges among Coolidge County, Vermont, working-class residents captures some of this variation. Examining economic survival strategies in this rural community, Nelson and Smith found extensive differentiation of the services that neighbors, friends, and […]
Down the ages men have tried to make their penises longer. The most primitive method is to hang stones from it. This does work, but also causes impotence. Then there was the Polynesian stretching method using a movable weighted tube, the Arab jelq treatment (massage), and the penicure based on it: in the United States […]
»that sexe which prevaileth’’ Ж2
The S exual Continuum In i 843 Levi Suydam, a twenty-three-year-old resident of Salisbury, Connecticut, asked the town’s board of selectmen to allow him to vote as a Whig in a hotly contested local election. The request raised a flurry of objections from the opposition party, for a reason that must be rare in the […]
Global power relations
This leads us to reflect on the context of global power relations. The Northern hemisphere’s hegemonic position in the world gives it a monopoly, an ability to set the agenda, to formulate and decide the priority of problems to be settled in international political arenas. Western feminists have tended to act according to this power […]
1 rivacy, like individualism, is a historical product; it emerges only when there is a public domain, that is, in relation to the state. The concept of a private, personal realm encompassing family, sexuality, and childbearing did not exist among hunters and gatherers nor in the medieval world. In ancient and modem states in the […]