Part of the beauty of saying “no” ’is that you’re doing much more than staving off an unwanted assignment or a new responsibility or obligation. The rush of confidence and even the slightly otherworldly sense of well-being that arrives after a decisive no moment comes in part from the knowledge that you won’t have to […]
День: 04.11.2015
One way of explaining how an ejaculation works is by comparing it to firing a rifle. In that case too one first has to load before one can shoot, with the urethra acting as the barrel of the rifle. Ejaculation changes as one gets older: both the emission and expulsion phases last longer. Emission stands […]
Unremembered youth INTRODUCTION Adolescence, a concept just a century old, encompasses dramatic variations across time and cultures at almost every level of application. Adolescence locates an age group at the margins of formal power in ways that legitimate the creation of a special social status. Like many social science concepts, adolescence can be assumed to […]
Psychologia і psychiatria
W XIX w. zaznaczyi si? dose intensywny rozwqj psychologii. Wedlug Pastuszki (1971) psychologia nowozytna rozwijala si? od XV do XIX w., przy czym doszlo w tym okresie do: 1) powstania nowej koncepcji czlowieka, 2) zroznicowania poglqdow і kiemnkow psychologicznych, mimo ze nadal funkcjonowaly one w ramach systemow filozoficznych,- 3) rozwoju badan empirycznych І zmierzania do […]
Katarina Jungar and Elina Oinas
The Weiss, Quigley and Hayes (2000) review on male circumcision and HIV prevalence restricts itself to female—male transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa (Weiss et al. 2000), with the explanation that in Sub-Saharan Africa heterosexual transmission is the predominant mode of transmission. They ignore the figures that the primary mode of heterosexual transmission is male to female […]
(Sexual Permission and Pleasure)
When you’re between the ages of eight and eighteen, one of the worst things in your own mind is to be considered “weird” or “different.” We all want to fit in and feel “normal.” When puberty kicks in, many of us think something is very wrong with us, especially if we don’t have the guidance […]
Sexual citizenship, sites of governance, and internal schisms
Early discussions of citizenship in Europe and North America usually rested on the assumption of a unified notion of the citizen, which implicitly used the middle-class, white, heterosexual man as the prototype (Marshall 1950). This narrow understanding of citizenship has been criticised for its failure to address the patterned inequalities and exclusions of the underclass, […]
Sex-Reassignment Procedures
The initial step of a sex change involves extensive screening interviews, during which a person’s motivations for undergoing the change are thoroughly evaluated. Individuals with real conflicts and confusion about their gender identity are not considered for surgical alteration. Individuals with an apparently genuine incongruence between their gender identity and their biological sex are then […]
Travel Funds
The faculty questionnaire asked tenure-track or tenured faculty hired after 1996 whether they received travel funds when they were first hired at their current institution. Of those who responded, 56 percent of men and 59 percent of women indicated that they did (see Appendix 4-11). Again, there was no substantial gender difference at this level […]
Names for sperm found on the internet include: jizz, spunk, cum, man milk, love juice, home-made yoghurt, mayo, boner brew, salt malt, cream baby juice, load, skeet, cocknog, nut-nectar, spooge and liquid sin. In a human ejaculation between 2 and 5 millilitres of sperm are emitted. Normally between 100 million and 200 million sperm cells […]