Although there has been much theorizing about gender differences in sexuality, and many scattered empirical studies, there was a need to integrate this theorizing and research in a systematic manner. To meet this need, we conducted a meta-analysis of studies reporting data on gender differences in sexual behaviors and attitudes (Oliver & Hyde, 1993). We […]
День: 04.11.2015
While not always specifying the full range of expected behaviors, no social role is without life-cycle requirements in the double sense of, first, either having entry and exiting requirements that are life-cycle stage-specific or, second, having expectations that systematically vary with life-cycle stage attributions. Some roles are very specific about age requirements: “you cannot until […]
The play of illusion in Donald Winnicott and Jacques Lacan
Winnicott’s famous assertion that ‘there is no such thing as a baby’, as well as his preference for the expression ‘environment-individual set up’ as opposed to the term primary narcissism, stays close to the central tenet of Balint’s position emphasising the primacy of the relation (2004, 99). However, with Winnicott, much more so than with […]
Assessing the impact of interventions. on feminist mobilization
Of the three interventions, assistance through international development agencies and large charitable foundations was clearly the most effective at fostering feminist mobilization. Global feminism and transnational feminist networking helped the movement get off the ground, but it took feminist alliances with democracy assistance donors to create a women’s crisis center movement, an unusually successful segment […]
J acob miller loved Toronto. he thought of it every day. He was American, and lived in a snowy American city, but a Canadian flag, with its broad bars of red and its red maple leaf, hung in his home office. A printout of the flag, on a sheet of computer paper, was taped to […]
“I’m One of the Guys” (Belonging to a Group)
For many of us, porn provided a way to bond with other kids or members of our family. In our research, we heard numerous stories from people who shared, traded, stole, and watched pornography with their friends or siblings. As you might guess, usually the groups were either all boys or all girls. Like Brad, […]
Socialist and materialist feminism
Feminists starting from the socialist position of wanting to redistribute social rewards struggle to understand how class and gender might interrelate. Socialist and materialist feminists draw their political theory from Marxist materialism, which argues that ‘the determining factor in history is, in the final instance, the production and reproduction of immediate life’ (Engels cited in […]
Options for Transsexuals
The mental health field has traditionally considered only two possible solutions for overcoming the gender dysphoria of transsexuals: changing gender identity to match the physical body or changing the body to match gender identity (Carroll, 1999). Other options exist, however, and clinical evidence has indicated that some preoperative transsexuals have discovered that it may be […]
Getting Help
This took some arranging. Jessica had had a history of bad experience with help. First she’d hired a nanny who was a wonderful baby-sitter but refused to do anything else, like pick up toys or occasionally wash breakfast dishes. (Often nannies who were citizens and English-speaking had more exacting standards than illegal aliens.) So Jessica […]
Biologia і medycyna
W XIX w. doszlo do burzliwego rozwoju nauk biologicznych, a m. in. genetyki (пайка о sposobach przekazywania cech z pokolenia na pokolenie), ewolucjonizmu (папка о powstawaniu nowych gatunkow і przeksztalceniach, jakie przeszly istoty zywe, zanim osi^gn? ly obecne formy), taksonomii (пайка о klasyfi — kacji roslin І zwierzgt oraz ich wzajemnych pokrewieristwach), ekologii (nauka 0 […]