It is important for women (and men) to understand the structure of the female reproductive system, which is really a marvel of biological engineering. Women who have not done a thorough genital self-examination should do so, not only because it is an important part of the body to learn to appreciate but also because any […]
День: 04.11.2015
Genesis of the “Public Use of Reason”
Habermas begins his book, The Structural Transformation, with a detailed investigation of the historical and legal uses of the terms “public” and “private.” The discussion ranges from the practices of antiquity, through the feudal ages, and into the bourgeois period. However, the discourse of public and private is inadequate to explain the bourgeois “public use […]
Respectful Communication With a Transsexual or Transgendered Individual
Alexander John Goodrum (2000) wrote an informative article on transsexualism and transgenderism in which he discussed how people should communicate or interact with individuals with variant gender identities and/or behaviors. We summarize his suggestions as follows: ■ It is important to refer to transsexual or transgendered individuals appropriately. If someone identifies himself as male, refer […]
Summer Salary
The faculty questionnaire asked tenure-track or tenured faculty hired after 1996 whether they received summer salary funds when they were first hired at their current institution. Of those who responded, 71 percent of men and 68 percent of women indicated they did. When disaggregated by discipline, interesting differences appeared, with female faculty having a higher […]
Male circumcision and invisible women
The most important aspect of the male circumcision debate we wish to highlight is the way in which women are rendered invisible in the entire debate. Not even the opponents of male circumcision raise the issue of women becoming infected too. Instead, women are totally marginalized rendering them to nothing other than sources of infection […]
There’s no shortage of descriptive terms for sex; the one above is used in Othello by William Shakespeare. Here are a few more: A bit of the old in and out ♦ baking cookies ♦ bang ♦ bash the beaver ♦ bonk ♦ bumpin’ fuzzies ♦ butter the muffin ♦ churning butter ♦ corrupt the […]
. Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
Different patterns for different ethnic communities in the UK
Data reviewed by Haskey on the prevalence of lone-parent families by geographical area within the UK suggest that higher rates apply in urban than in rural areas, with an indicative contrast of 36.7 per cent in inner London, 19.2 per cent in outer London and 12.4 per cent in Surrey (Haskey 1994:13). The differences may […]
Transsexualism: Etiology, Sex-Reassignment Procedures, and Outcomes
In the 1960s and early 1970s, when medical procedures for altering sex were first being developed in the United States, approximately three out of every four people requesting a sex change were biological males who wished to be females (Green, 1974). Although most health professionals believe that males seeking sex reassignment still outnumber females, evidence […]
The Womenomics-Approved No
The key to this kind of no is the delivery, since you’re trying to communicate a very clear message in an inoffensive way. It’s a difficult task, but it’s doable. The things to remember, which will always serve you well: Mind your manners: Make good eye contact, smile, be friendly. Remember, you are saying no. […]