День: 04.11.2015

Genesis of the “Public Use of Reason”

Habermas begins his book, The Structural Transformation, with a detailed investigation of the historical and legal uses of the terms “public” and “private.” The discussion ranges from the practices of antiquity, through the feudal ages, and into the bourgeois period. However, the discourse of public and private is inadequate to explain the bourgeois “public use […]

Respectful Communication With a Transsexual or Transgendered Individual

Alexander John Goodrum (2000) wrote an informative article on transsexualism and transgenderism in which he discussed how people should communicate or inter­act with individuals with variant gender identities and/or behaviors. We summarize his suggestions as follows: ■ It is important to refer to transsexual or transgendered individuals appropriately. If someone identifies himself as male, refer […]

The Womenomics-Approved No

The key to this kind of no is the delivery, since you’re trying to communicate a very clear message in an inoffensive way. It’s a difficult task, but it’s doable. The things to remember, which will always serve you well: Mind your manners: Make good eye contact, smile, be friendly. Remember, you are saying no. […]