День: 04.11.2015


The theories reviewed here, although operating under considerably different assumptions, actually make predictions that are more similar than different. All predict, for example, that women will be more disapproving of casual sex than men. The theories differ greatly in their understanding of some key constructs, particularly the sexual double standard. Evolution­ary theorists see the sexual […]

Sex Work

Nevertheless, many American women—and some men—have at one time or another earned their livings through the sale of explic­itly sexual services. For pay, they have participated in interactions that regularly produce sexual arousal in their purchasers. Informal estimates place the American commercial sex industry in the vicinity of $8 billion to $10 billion a year […]


Can we create a society that avoids gender stereotypes, a society of total gender equal­ity? Would you want to live in such a society? Does a gender-equal society mean that we must have unisex bathrooms, or is it something subtler, referring to a sense of equal op-   ReviewQuestion Explain how gender roles change as […]

Liberal feminism

Liberal feminism emerged as part of liberalism: a political and intel­lectual doctrine promoting the ideals of equality of opportunity and the notion that individuals had certain rights. These included the right to liberty, the right to some say in who ruled them, and the right to pursue their own interests to achieve happiness — as […]

The Senior Years

In families with children, the parents can experience either a great sense of loneliness or a newfound freedom as their children grow and leave the home. A few women, espe­cially those with traditional roles as wife and mother, become depressed about losing their primary roles as caretakers and mothers. The phrase “empty nest syndrome” iden­tifies […]

The stickiness of sperm

Humans are descended from anthropoid primates and they in turn from mouse-like, tree-dwelling mammals. The males of some rodent species, for example the squirrel, leave behind special mating plugs. These are nothing more than a sticky, tacky secretion that prevents other males from gaining vaginal access after the first male’s ejacula­tion. Evolution has equipped the […]


When a mixed-sex child is born, somebody (sometimes the surgeon, some­times a pediatric endocrinologist, more rarely a trained sex education coun­selor) explains the situation to the parents.11 A ‘‘normal’’ boy, they say, may be born with a penis (defined as a phallus that has a urethral tube [through which urine flows] running lengthwise through its […]

Promotion Strategies

The promotion element of the marketing mix can be considered from the point of view of sub­elements of advertising and sales. The gender — based differences give rise to differences in the perception of the advertising messages and their different assessment. For instance, the informa­tion processing strategies of males and females are different. When processing […]