День: 05.11.2015


If there has been no prenatal ‘‘fix’’ and an intersex child is born, doctors must decide, as they would put it, nature’s intention. Was the newborn infant ‘‘sup­posed’’ to have been a boy or a girl? Dr. Patricia Donahoe, Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and a highly accomplished researcher in the fields of […]

. Music Lovers

Sonny and Cher 4* ABBA ❖ Carly Simon and James Taylor 4* StevieWonder and Syreeta 4* Ashford and Simpson ❖ Paul and LindaMcCartney 4* Smokey and Claudette Robinson 4* Debbie Harry andChris Stein 4* Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake 4* JessicaSimpson and Nick Lachey‘Music, not sex, got me aroused.’ Marvin Gaye ‘They want my treasure […]

Communicating More Effectively

Earlier in this chapter we discussed the three competing goals of communication. Do you remember what they were? When we communicate with another person we have a task, a relational, and an identity management goal. How can we be successful in reaching these various goals? The first goal is to get the job done. Often […]

Personal Voices

Internet Romance icki and Russ met online through instant messag­ing [IMs]. Both believed that the self-disclosure they made earlier promoted connections out of emotional intimacy rather than physical attraction. Vicki and Russ talk about how they met and share their first IMs: Russ: I found that it was easier to interact with women by computer, […]

Wilhelm Stekel

Neurolog і psychoanalityk wiedenski (1868-1944). Liczne publikacjeS Stekela, przeznaczone dla lekarzy, przyczynily si? do duzego rozpowszechnieniaj wiedzy seksualnej takze wsrod laikow. W tym sensie spopularyzowal on wiedz?| seksualnq, zwlaszcza dotyczqc^ impoteneji і ozi? blosci seksualnejr Stwierdzil, ze|l rzeczywista znieczulica (ozi? blosc) seksualna nie istnieje u kobiet. NatomiasM| przyezyn^ zakfocen w odczuwaniu seksualnym kobiety sq hamulce […]