If there has been no prenatal ‘‘fix’’ and an intersex child is born, doctors must decide, as they would put it, nature’s intention. Was the newborn infant ‘‘supposed’’ to have been a boy or a girl? Dr. Patricia Donahoe, Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and a highly accomplished researcher in the fields of […]
День: 05.11.2015
Outside Offers
Faculty retention and attrition focus on the likelihood that faculty will remain in a department. Some mobility is to be expected. Some faculty will move from one academic job to another or from academia to a position outside academia (e. g., in industry). Some faculty will leave departments to retire or because they are ill. […]
. Music Lovers
Sonny and Cher 4* ABBA ❖ Carly Simon and James Taylor 4* StevieWonder and Syreeta 4* Ashford and Simpson ❖ Paul and LindaMcCartney 4* Smokey and Claudette Robinson 4* Debbie Harry andChris Stein 4* Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake 4* JessicaSimpson and Nick Lachey‘Music, not sex, got me aroused.’ Marvin Gaye ‘They want my treasure […]
It is fair to say that salary is an obligatory factor in every study that explores whether there are differences across gender in academic careers. Faculty salaries have been the subject of numerous university salary equity investigations, occasional lawsuits, and broader national studies. (See, for example, selected works by Barbezat, Becker, Bellas, Benjamin, Farber, Ferber, […]
Communicating More Effectively
Earlier in this chapter we discussed the three competing goals of communication. Do you remember what they were? When we communicate with another person we have a task, a relational, and an identity management goal. How can we be successful in reaching these various goals? The first goal is to get the job done. Often […]
Worsening the Criminal Procedure Code, 2001
A few years later, when legislators got serious about revising the Criminal Procedure Code, crisis center Syostri again raised concerns with Russian policymakers and international observers about how reforms would impact rape victims.32 The Soviet code, as an essential part of the totalitarian system, had what legal scholars call an accusatorial bias, in reality a […]
Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships
For me, the potential for falling in love begins with a physical attraction. But looks only count for so much. I need an intimate friendship and closeness in order to possibly fall in love. Trust is another important part of a relationship that can lead to love. A prospective partner would also need to share […]
Personal Voices
Internet Romance icki and Russ met online through instant messaging [IMs]. Both believed that the self-disclosure they made earlier promoted connections out of emotional intimacy rather than physical attraction. Vicki and Russ talk about how they met and share their first IMs: Russ: I found that it was easier to interact with women by computer, […]
Sharing Showdown and Natural Drift:. Pathways to the New Man
E ighty percent of the men in my study of two-job couples had one thing in common. Like Evan Holt, Peter Tanagawa, Seth Stein, and Ray Judson, they didn’t share housework and child care. This introduced extra work for their wives and often tension in their marriages. The two men I describe in this chapter […]
Wilhelm Stekel
Neurolog і psychoanalityk wiedenski (1868-1944). Liczne publikacjeS Stekela, przeznaczone dla lekarzy, przyczynily si? do duzego rozpowszechnieniaj wiedzy seksualnej takze wsrod laikow. W tym sensie spopularyzowal on wiedz?| seksualnq, zwlaszcza dotyczqc^ impoteneji і ozi? blosci seksualnejr Stwierdzil, ze|l rzeczywista znieczulica (ozi? blosc) seksualna nie istnieje u kobiet. NatomiasM| przyezyn^ zakfocen w odczuwaniu seksualnym kobiety sq hamulce […]