A number of studies have reported that some women are capable of experiencing orgasm, and perhaps an ejaculation of fluid, when an area along the anterior (front) wall of the vagina is vigorously stimulated (Levin, 2003a; Whipple & Komisaruk, 1999). This area of erotic sensitivity, mentioned in Chapter 3, has been named the Grafenberg spot […]
День: 05.11.2015
The Social and Economic Conditions of Women Who Get Abortions
Unly a generation ago, social assumptions about the consequences that must follow from premarital sexual activity and premarital conception were radically different from what they are today. In the "baby boom" years of the 1950s, social norms prescribed that an out-of-wedlock conception lead inexorably to marriage and the bearing of a "legitimate" child. A group […]
Akosua Adomako Ampofo
husbands ‘too soon’ after the birth of a baby were teased as feeling insecure in their marriages—i. e. they were afraid that their husbands would take another wife during their period of abstinence. Older females were the ones mainly responsible for ensuring that this sort of ‘family planning’ was practised. They would offer advice about […]
Subjective Descriptions of Orgasm The following accounts, selected from our files, illustrate the diversity of orgasmic descriptions. The first account is by a woman and the second by a man. The final three descrip — tions—labeled Reports A, B, and C—contain no specific references that identify the sex of the describers. Perhaps you would like […]
The underside of present legal reforms and of our own approach
We began, when we first introduced our notion of the ‘shared household’, with a reference to a ‘utopian moment’. A point which has been made very succinctly by feminists in relation to the same-sex marriage debates is that it is all too easy to become constrained by the parameters which have been set by these […]
Advantages and disadvantages of post-structuralism
Advantages of the post-structuralist position for thinking about gender are that it allows some consideration of to what extent we have freedom to choose, rather than implying that our lives are determined by our social surroundings. This might be especially beneficial for women, because they have historically been denied agency but have found ways to […]
Now that we’ve discussed the male sexual and reproductive system, let’s explore male maturation. In the following section we will discuss the physical changes that accompany male puberty. Many of these changes are controlled by hormonal changes that occur and contribute to physical changes in a young boy’s body. In Chapter 8 we will discuss […]
Research Productivity
Tenure and promotion often largely depend on research productivity, making it a crucial issue. Thus, the central question in this section: Is there a gender disparity in productivity? Faculty productivity can be defined in many ways. Here, we focus on grants received, lab space, and demonstrated, discrete output in the form of refereed publications and […]
Sexual revolution
The politicization of sexuality was intensified in the 1960s, when Freudian Marxists such as Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, and Wilhelm Reich argued that sex is a natural, positive force that is repressed by bourgeois capitalist society, and called for sexual ‘liberation’ which would transform the social order. Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian psychoanalyst who in […]
History in Japan
Claire Maree Japan has a rich women’s culture stretching back over time and encompassing community organisations, activism, commercial publishing, art and literature. The negotiation of terms for female-female desire is indicative of the political and creative forces shaping queer women’s history and culture in Japan. In the post-Second World War period, this has led to […]