The other day a floral delivery truck passed me on the highway, and the sign on its side said, “Increase your vocabulary: Say it with flowers.” What does this mean? What does it mean when you send flowers? What does it mean to receive them? Truth is, it can mean several things: “I love you,” […]
День: 05.11.2015
Different Difficulties
When asked about problems they faced, middle — and working-class parents discussed a very different set of issues than did their professional middle-class counterparts. Of course, not all middle-class and working-class parents find that the same issues cause problems. Some focus on the absence of sufficient resources. As one parent responded, “most difficult is not […]
‘There’s people making babies to my music. That’s nice.’ Barry White The food of love has played on since man first found his beat. A million love songs later, from Brahms’ red light performances to Elvis’s gyrating hips and beyond, the world continues to get it on to music. Rolling Stone’s Rock & Roll Daily […]
Gossiping and Complaining
ecently I asked a group of students what it would be like to spend 24 hours with their partner but be able to use only nonverbal communication. Students thought about it, and many didn’t know what to make of the question. Would it really be possible for them to be alone with their partner but […]
The Two Faces of Technology
Technology truly is the leading enabler of today’s increasingly flexible lifestyle. We professional women all know that without it, any flexibility we have would be almost impossible. Conference calling from home means you don’t have to be in the office at the crack of dawn to speak to London or stay there late at night […]
Freud and castration anxiety
The story of Oedipus, who unwittingly killed his father and equally unwittingly married his mother, is widely known. This led Sigmund Freud to use Oedipus’ name for a discovery he made in his consulting room concerning the human subconscious. Freud sees the Oedipal phase as commencing when the child is between three and five. He […]
The myth of Melampus and Iphiclus
Melampus means ‘black-foot’. His feet were black because although his mother had placed him in the shade shortly after his birth, she had carelessly left his feet exposed to the sunlight. From an early age Melampus was fond of all animals. In front of his father’s house was a large oak and a hollow at […]
It Started with the Birth of the Baby
There are certain ways during an interview that a husband and wife show they care about each other. They will laugh or unconsciously sigh and gesture together. (This evening Barbara and John had spontaneously laughed together at Johns microwaving Daisy’s meat bones.) When I interview one, he or she will spontaneously talk at length about […]
Iwan Bloch
|| Dermatolog (1872-1922), wspolzalozycie! wspolczesnej seksuologii і sek- siatrii. Jego dzielo pt. Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit und seine Beziehungen zur % Modernen Kultur, wydane w 1909 r. w Berlinie, jest uwazane za pierwsze systematy — i’v,; czne przedstawienie wiedzy seksuologicznej. ■- Bloch stworzyl w 1906 r. poj? cie Sexuahvissenschaft (wiedza seksualna, nauka seksualna). Cz? sto […]
Worsening the Criminal Code, 1996
Since rape and sexual harassment are regulated by criminal law in Russia, the post-Soviet revisions of the Russian criminal and the criminal procedure codes are the most likely location for reform.24 Expressing global feminist concern, Russian activists leveled two critiques of the rape laws in both the Soviet-period and draft codes.25 First, they argued that […]