In her overview of lesbian culture in Japan, writer Sawabe Hitomi posits the period from 1971 to 1980 as the time when ‘the seeds’ of lesbian and queer women’s communities emerged (Sawabe 2008: 6-10). Wakakusa no kai (Young Grass Club), formed by Suzuki Michiko in 1971, is the first documented lesbian group in modern Japan. […]
День: 05.11.2015
The Male Refractory Period
The refractory period in the male cycle is certainly one of the most significant differences in sexual responses between the sexes. Men typically find that a certain minimum time must elapse after an orgasm before they can experience another climax. Most women have no such physiologically imposed shutdown phase. Speculation about why only men have […]
Not reforming policy
As the women’s crisis center movement was not successful at localizing activism and as the public perception of sexual assault had shifted so little, public pressure from Russians themselves to reform policy would be unlikely, even if the Russian political system were not so closed. Nevertheless, foreign intervention, especially from those international organizations that advocate […]
Greater Variability in Female Response
One major difference between the sexes is the range of variations in the sexual response cycle. Although the graphs in Figures 6.3 and 6.4 do not reflect individual differences, they do demonstrate a wider range in the female response. One pattern is outlined for the male, and three patterns are drawn for the female. In […]
It Takes Some Learning to Communicate
Students often tell me they wish they could improve their communication skills. Before we talk about how to do this, let’s discuss how we learn to communicate with others. Are we born with the ability to communicate with others, or do we learn it as we grow? If you’ve ever been around babies, you know […]
Marriage, Motherhood, and. Employment in the Interwar Years. “Now that Peace has Come”
At the close of the war, feminists hoped for peace not only in international but also in gender relations, to which wartime had brought so much tension, disorder, and conflict. Sometimes, a return to nurturing motherhood was proposed as a remedy. Amid the revelry that marked the signing of the Armistice, the British suffragist Catherine […]
Magnus Hirschfeld
Urodzil si? w Kolobrzegu w 1868 r., zmarl w 1935 r. w Nicei. Wybitnie zasluzyl si? dia rozwoju seksuologii і seksiatrii. W badaniach nad seksualnosci$ ‘If uwzglednial aspekt medyezny, spoleczny і historyezny. Przede wszystkim d^zyl do Щ opracowania spolecznych problemow seksualnych, ktore uwazal za bardzo wazne. i Ц Zasadnicze znaezenie przypisywal uregulowaniu problemow etycznych, kryminolo-‘ […]
Laboratory Space
We have already considered laboratory space as an institutional resource, because it is so crucial to the ability of faculty to get their research done. In our survey, male faculty reported having significantly more lab space than female faculty. This holds true both when we consider all faculty taken together and when we consider only […]
Ryszard von Krafft-Ebing
Neurolog, psychiatra, kryminolog, profesor uniwersytetu w Wiedniu (1840-1902). Uwazany do dzisiejszego dnia za tworc? wspolczesnej patologii seksualnej. Termin psychopathia sexualis przej^l od rosyjskiego lekarza H. Kaana і swojemu glownemu dzielu nadal ten tytul. Psychopathia sexualis ukazaia si? w 1886 r. w Stuttgarcie і zapocz^tkowala rozwoj wspolczesnej seksiatrii. Na owe czasy Krafft-Ebing glosil szokuj^ce, lecz post? […]
Today, when most people hear the word ‘eunuch’, their first associations are with weakness, sexual impotence, inadequacy as a man, etc. That has definitely not been the case throughout history. To judge by the alarmed reaction to the very word, you’d never think that castration was once a popular practice. But it was: for centuries […]