In the sciences and engineering, grant activity is an important demonstrator of research ability. There are a number of approaches to comparing male and female faculty as grant recipients. Basic measures are whether faculty have received any grants and the total dollar value of any grants received. More in-depth measures include whether the grantee is […]
День: 05.11.2015
Getting Deeper into Porn
Now that we’ve discussed the factors that can slow down or break up a relationship with porn, let’s turn and look at those that could increase our involvement with porn. Corey, a thirty-four-year-old computer analyst whom we heard from in the previous chapters, became increasingly involved with pornography after his early childhood use. Like Jack, […]
The issue of women in ICT professions, especially in leading positions, was discussed on the CeBIT 2009, a conference for professionals in the IT sector in Hannover. An initiative was started to attract more women to this sector, especially by improving the working conditions, exceeding the concept of just combining family and work but taking […]
The new paradigm: Shared households
We agree with Cooper when she argues that what we are witnessing is an extension of familial patterns into, and onto, other forms of social organisation: in this case, into the setting of households beyond those based on marriage. And we also agree with Boyd and Young that this form of disciplining not only confirms […]
. Whose ‘Unmet Need’ Dis/Agreement about Childbearing among Ghanaian Couples
one couple, Nana and Nortey is especially revealing (and poignant) in that it reveals the couple-based dynamics involved in Nana’s decision to have an abortion, presumably to meet an ‘unmet need’ for spacing. To date statistical analysis of the relationships between levels of ‘unmet need’, levels of abortion and contraceptive prevalence provide ambivalent findings. In […]
Testosterone and women
Testosterone production in women, as in men, is variable in several respects. Just after birth girls produce relatively large amounts of testosterone. Production declines throughout childhood and increases again with the onset of puberty. Testosterone levels peak around the age of 30, after which there is a steady decline. Women of around forty produce only […]
Gender and the sociology of the body
Only recently has ‘the body’ come to figure as a specific field within sociology (see Turner, 1984), but it crystallized many of the difficulties sociologists of gender had long grappled with in trying to understand women’s bodies as something other than a problem to be overcome. First, there has been dissatisfaction with what some feminists […]
Good communication is the hallmark of a healthy, developing relationship. These skills can be applied to all aspects of life, such as improving family relationships, being more effective in relationships at school or work, developing a love relationship, or discussing relationship issues and sexuality with a partner. Communication fosters mutual understanding, increases emotional intimacy, and […]
Slave regimes and the colonial state
Stacey (1983) offers the hypothesis that modernization under the auspices of revolutionary socialism may have been less destructive of pre-modern family ties than that under capitalist modernizing processes. As an adjunct to modernization elsewhere—though not itself warranting the label of ‘modern’—the slave system was particularly destructive in rupturing pre-existing marital, family and household forms. Procreation […]
Differences Between the Sexes in Sexual Response
More and more, writers are emphasizing the basic similarities of sexual response in men and women. We see this as a positive trend away from the once-popular notion that great differences exist between the sexes—an opinion that undoubtedly helped create a big market for many "love manuals" designed to inform readers about the mysteries and […]