The Importance of Communication It Takes Some Learning to Communicate ■ HUMAN SEXUALITY IN A DIVERSE WORLD I Love Peanut Butter! How Women and Men Communicate ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Gossiping and Complaining Types of Communication: More Than Words ■ PERSONAL VOICES Internet Romance Communicating More Effectively ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Being a […]
День: 05.11.2015
Where societies provide a tight, coercive, yet seemingly frictionless integration of sexual roles with all other roles, the need for the self-conscious management of a specifically sexual identity, one that accommodates both cultural meanings and intrapsychic response, is minimal. In such relatively stable, well-integrated cultural settings, “sexual habits” can be understood in much the same […]
Orgasm Phase
Most aging males continue to experience considerable pleasure from their orgasmic responses. In fact, 73% of older men in one study reported that orgasm was "very important" in their sexual experiences (Starr & Weiner, 1981). However, they may note a decline in intensity. Frequently absent are the sensations of ejaculatory inevitability that correspond with the […]
Shifting terminology
Terminology for female-same-sex desires and identities is varied and diverse. The pathologising discourse of same-sex desire began to enter medical literature in the late nineteenth century and entered the public domain in the early twentieth century (Driscoll 2005: 191—225; Fruhstuck 2003). The birth of the female homosexual in Japan as an intelligible category can be […]
Prostate Cancer
As men age, their prostate glands enlarge. In most cases, this natural occurrence, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), causes few problems. Because of its anatomical position surrounding the urethra, BPH may block urination, and surgeons may need to remove the prostate if the condition becomes bad enough. Of far more concern than BPH is prostate cancer, […]
Penile Cancer
A wide variety of cancers involving the skin and soft tissues of the penis can occur, though cancer of the penis is not common (Mosconi et al., 2005). Any lesion on the penis must be examined by a physician, for benign and malignant conditions can be very similar in appearance, and STIs can appear as […]
Is gender about bodies?
Even in the most simple body orientations of men and women as they sit, stand, and walk, one can observe a typical difference in body style and extension. Women are generally not as open with their bodies as men are in their gait and stride. Typically, the masculine stride is longer proportional to a man’s […]
Plateau Phase
Older men do not typically experience as much myotonia (muscle tension) during the plateau phase as when they were younger. Complete penile erection is frequently not obtained until late in the plateau phase, just before orgasm. One result of these changes is that an older man is often able to sustain the plateau phase much […]
The survey asked respondents to report on the number of articles they had published in refereed journals and in refereed conference proceedings during the 3 years prior to the survey. Data for sole authorship and co-authorship were combined into a single variable. We looked first at journal articles published in refereed journals. Overall, male faculty […]
The Sexual Response Cycle of Older Men
Most changes in the sexual response cycle of older men involve alterations in the intensity and duration of response (Masters & Johnson, 1966; Segraves & Segraves, 1995). Excitement Phase During youth, many males can experience an erection in a few seconds. This ability is typically altered with the aging process. Instead of requiring 8 to […]