День: 05.11.2015
Priapism (pry-AE-pizm) is a painful and persistent erection that is not associated with priapism sexual desire or excitement (Van der Horst et al., 2003). Blood becomes trapped in the A condltion In which actions are iong-iasting and often painful. erectile tissue of the penis and is unable to get out. The most common cause of […]
Suggest a Conference Call Instead
For every busy woman, the conference call is a thing of beauty. Instead of allowing rogue minutes to escape as you travel to work, get to the meeting room, go through the chitchat rigmarole, and hang around for the postmeeting meeting, you can simply dial in from wherever you are and get going. Best of […]
Testicular Torsion
The impact of religion
Yet ideologies—whether religious or political—may be powerful tools for changing or preserving family and household forms. (Mary Mclntosh, Chapter 8 in this volume, analyses this in relation to the UK.) Afshar (1987), for example, notes how the Iranian state referenced Islamic values when introducing new legislation governing marriage and the family following the 1978 revolution, […]
Aging and the Sexual Response Cycle
As people grow older, they will notice changes in sexual arousal and response patterns. In this section we briefly summarize some of the more common variations that occur in the sexual response cycles of women and men. The Sexual Response Cycle of Older Women In general, all phases of the response cycle continue to occur […]
An increasing prevalence of the nuclear family has been tied to processes of industrialization, urbanization, westernization and capitalist development (Goode 1963) and the apparent decline of the nuclear family to post-industrial processes. But in some situations, such as migrant labour regimes in southern Africa, or the conditions imposed by contemporary structural adjustment prescriptions, capitalist development […]
It is a good idea for every man to examine and explore his own sexual anatomy. A genital self-exam can help increase a man’s comfort with his genitals (see Sex in Real Life, “Testicular Self-Examination”). It can also help a man know what his testicles feel like just in case something were to change. We […]
Pre-Eminence of Biological Variables
Biology is considered fundamental and bedrock according to the reigning sexological model, both in terms of distal (prenatal and early life) and proximal (at the time of the sexual event or experience) control over sexuality. Sociobiologists and others insist that genetics and prenatal endocrinology create brain structures which determine aspects of sexuality such as sexual […]
No Time Together:. Barbara and John Livingston
C onsuela, the baby-sitter, finally opens the door a crack, looks me over, and lets me in. She leads me up to the second floor of the Livingstons’ friendly, weather-worn Victorian home to a family room with overstaffed chairs, family photos, and an excitable parrot in a large cage, all of which seem to face […]