Breasts — symbols of fertility and femininity, survival and ^f; pleasure, prominent in many fields from politics to porn, big ones, small ones, an obsession to many in Western culture, sexually irrelevant to others — there’s more to them than meets the eye. ‘I’m a normal, red-blooded American man. I like to look at nakedwomen. […]
День: 06.11.2015
Again, the results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA (.937) and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (x2 = 2384,, p =.000) indicated that the data set satis- fied the assumptions for factorability. Principle Components Analysis was chosen as the method of extraction in order to account for maximum variance in the data using a minimum number of factors. A […]
Loss of Love
Popular songs are often about the loss of love; “the blues” is a whole genre of music built on the experience of losing love, and country-western music is well known for its songs of lost love. People experience loss of love in many ways. The couple may realize that their relationship was based on passion […]
The sex industry in Japan: The danger of invisibility
Kaoru Aoyama Introduction In Japan, as in many parts of the world, the sex industry is regulated by the law. The aim of such regulation can be summarised as being to protect ‘good public morals’, in particular to protect women and young people from being exposed to commercial sexual activities, at the same time as […]
Dynamika tendeneji poll — і monogamicznych
Czlowiek ma tendeneje poli — і monogamiezne (poli — і monoandryezne) gorujgce na przemian nad sobg. Ostateczny wynik zachowania si? czlowieka w dgzcniu do dotrzymania wiernosci seksualnej lub jej zlamania jest wypadkowg dzialania wszystkich opisanych czynnikow, tj. tendeneji pozaseksualnych do zmian, stanu uczuc і ich integraeji z pop? dem seksualnym, aktualnej sytuacji zyciowej, sily pop? […]
The Negative Consequences. of Using Pornography
People who are involved with pornography may be basking in the sunshine of instant pleasure, but like storm clouds, problems are brewing just over the horizon. In the words of people who have struggled to move beyond the porn trap, the nine most common serious negative consequences of using porn are: 1. “I’m easily irritated […]
The reason to ask whether there is equity in tenure and promotion decisions today is that there is a body of evidence suggesting that there is inequity. Specifically, the literature suggests that women as a group are less likely to receive tenure or a promotion (and it may take longer for women to reach those […]
British urologists Kevan Wylie and Ian Eardley’s review of more than 50 studies since the 1940s into ‘small penis syndrome’ (SPS), published in June 2007, found that men have more sexual confidence if they have a large penis. Their findings? Women are more interested in looks and character, and width rather than length. While 85 […]
Opening a Can of Worms: A Debate on Female Sexuality in the Lecture Theatre
Mumbi Machera Introduction The term sexuality elicits images of belongingness, physically and emotionally. Sexuality is a complex term with a multifaceted meaning referring to deep emotional feeling as well as to issues of power and vulnerability in gendered relationships. The feelings and power dynamics seem to be linked to the biological existence of an individual […]
Murray and Frances: A Tale of Committed Love
t the time of the publication of the photo and following text, Frances had multiple sclerosis and was living at a home for severely physically disabled persons called Inglis House. Her husband, Murray, was working full time. Frances: I know there are a lot of things to be thankful for. . . but after all […]