День: 06.11.2015

Giving Permission

Discovering your partner’s needs can be made immeasurably easier by the practice we call giving permission. Basically, giving permission means providing encouragement and reassurance. One partner tells the other that it is okay to talk about specific feel­ings or needs—indeed, that he or she wants very much to know how the other feels about the […]

Mozliwosci regulavnego zaspokajania popgdu seksualnego

Im wi? ksze sg mozliwosci ureguiowanego wspolzycia seksualnego z part­nerem, zwlaszcza takim, ktory wykazuje duzo pomyslowosci і fantazji w stwarzaniu wzmagajgcych atrakcyjnosc aktow seksualnych, tym wi? ksza jest szansa monogami — cznego zachowania si? czlowieka przez dlugi okres, W takiej sytuacji pop? d seksualny jest zaspokajany regularnie, przy czym nat? zenie osigganej satysfakcji moze bye […]


The penis — ultimate male symbol, provider of pleasure, victim of ridicule, worshipped throughout history, envied and reviled — it’s a lot to take in. Nicknames All-beef sausage * bald-headed hermit *Big Ben ^belt-buster * best of three ^blue-veined custard chucker % Captain Hightopthe Love Commander * dangling participle *donniker ^drumstick * eager pleaser ^eleventh […]

Letting Go

The most successful people—the Big Picture Thinkers—don’t try to do everything. Instead, they hand things off. It’s better for them, better for their boss, and it’s better for their company too because it allows younger talent to flourish. As the boss of her own communications company, Christine Heenan had to learn the art of delegation. […]

Free love

Not all feminists shared this binary view of female sexuality, however. Numerous prominent feminist thinkers participated in 19th-century radical sex reform movements which argued for greater sexual freedoms for men as well as women. Libertarian, anarchist, and communist thinkers attacked obscenity and anti-homosexuality laws, calling for access to birth control information, abortion, and ‘free love’ […]

Safety and Monitoring

As the interviewed parents discussed why they have purchased—or will pur­chase—a cell phone for their children, a key theme was that these devices, like baby monitors, help keep children safe.12 Parents said that children with cell phones can let their parents know if they need help, or they can reach emer­gency resources if their parents […]