Even granting Freud’s questionable assumption that fantasy might reach its peak during adolescence, it can hardly be said to begin with puberty.1 Though new contents and new issues are posed by entry into adolescence, in the evolution of fantasy, as in most aspects of human existence, there are powerful strains toward the preservation of continuities. […]
День: 06.11.2015
Family Context
Adolescent girls’ family environments serve as important contexts for learning about sexuality and for providing secure foundations from which adolescents can explore their sexuality. In addition, adolescent girls’ de veloping sexuality impacts the functioning of their family and the ways in which family members relate to them (Hill, 1988; Holmbeck & Hill, 1991). Girls’ development […]
Virgins or whores? Feminist critiques of sexuality
Feminists who still sleep with the man are delivering their most vital energies to the oppressor. Jill Johnson, Lesbian Nation (1973) The double moral standard Female sexuality has been subjected to particular scientific and moral scrutiny throughout modernity. It has also constituted a central concern in feminist struggles. While the first women’s movement that emerged […]
“The Distinctive S ervice of W omen”:. Motherhood and M ilitarism
In the prewar era, feminists had compared motherhood figuratively to military service. In wartime, metaphor became reality. As military casualties mounted, patriotic physicians abandoned any pretense of concern for individual mothers or children, and insisted on production at any cost. In 1916, the German physician Hugo Sellheim declared in a lecture given to the female […]
Personal accounts from intersexuals who have experienced genital surgery breathe life into some otherwise dry facts. Foremost among these is that longterm studies of genital surgery are scarce as hen’s teeth.32 Nevertheless, the medical literature is rife with evidence of the negative effects of such surgery. In a survey of the existing medical articles, a […]
Gender Differences in Tenure and Promotion
National faculty data show that women continue to be underrepresented at the higher ranks of academia. While a partial explanation for the lower number of women at higher ranks (associate and full professor levels) has to do with the fact that women are newer entrants to academia—as noted in Chapter 3—a concern is that women […]
Direct questions often put people on the spot. Whether you have been asked "Do you enjoy oral sex?" or "How do you feel about oral sex?" it may be difficult to respond candidly, simply because you do not know your partner’s feelings on the subject. If the topic has strong emotional overtones, it may be […]
Of the 890 surveys distributed, 198 (129 male, 69 female) were returned giving a response rate of 20.2%. Before applying any statistical examination it was imperative to determine whether sufficient sample size had been achieved. A formula for sample size was used E = Z a/2 0/^n or n = (Z a/2 °/E)2 At 99.9% […]
Personal Voices
In the Men’s Locker Room played organized sports for 15 years, and they were as much a part of my growing up as Cheerios, television, and homework. My sexuality unfolded within this all-male social world of sport, where sex was always a major focus. I remember, for example, when we as prepubertal boys used the […]
Statutory provisions: the Family Law Reform Act 1987[250]
Traditionally, fathers were ‘matched’ with children through their marital relationship with the mother, being named as the father upon registration of the child’s birth, and the concurrent assumption of a bio-genetic tie to the child. Some feminist legal commentators suggested that donor insemination was considered problematic, as the notion of the ‘child of the marriage’ […]