Stop infant genital surgery. We protest the practices of genital mutilation in other cultures, but tolerate them at home.9 Some of my medical colleagues are apparently so scandalized by my thoughts on intersexuality that they refuse to discuss them with me.10 Perhaps they think that I am sacrificing the wellbeing of unfortunate children on the […]
День: 06.11.2015
Russian Resistance, More Monitoring
Although these feminist entrepreneurs and women’s crisis centers worked tirelessly, there is only so much that a small number of individuals can do in such an immense country. Their inability to reach the high levels of government was evident in the 2002 exchange between the CEDAW committee and government officials over Russia’s CEDAW report (Russian […]
Legal action against men without balls
The Church Father St Augustine (354-430) had already stated that in sexual relations there should always be the hope of fertilization. And in the past at least that was only possible with a stiff penis and normal testicles. ‘Go forth and multiply,’ as it says in Genesis. Well, impotent men were incapable of that and […]
Should there be onlytwo sexes?
— ЛЗ Hermaphroditic Heresies In 1993 I PUBLISHED A MODEST PROPOSAL SUGGESTING THAT WE REplace our two-sex system with a five-sex one.1 In addition to males and females, I argued, we should also accept the categories herms (named after ‘‘true’’ hermaphrodites), merms (named after male ‘‘pseudo-hermaphrodites’’), and ferms (named after female ‘‘pseudo-hermaphrodites’’). I’d intended to […]
Engagement Today
Courts did not, however, withdraw from legal regulation of engagements. Instead, the broader breach of promise action was restricted to legal adjudication of property transactions between the engaged couple. Within this narrower focus, legal issues continue to pivot on such questions as: Was this relation an engagement? What economic transactions belong to an engaged couple? […]
A Normative Stance
Although sexuality in adults is considered to be an integral compo nent of healthy functioning, researchers of adolescents have ignored the obvious developmental trajectory to this crucial aspect of healthy adult functioning. Instead, as we have discussed, previous research on adolescent girls’ sexuality has operated from a framework that views adolescent sex uality as pathological. […]
Attraction in Different Cultures
Do men and women in every culture look for the same traits? For example, are more males than females looking for physically attractive mates in Nigeria? Is earning potential more important in males than females in China? David Buss (1989b) did an ambitious study comparing the importance of, among other things, physical attractiveness, earning potential, […]
Women’s Strategies: Direct Ways to Change Roles
How does the content of what a person thinks and feels about the second shift fit with what they do about it—i. e., with their behavioral strategy? Most egalitarian women—those with strong feelings about sharing—did one of two things. They married men who planned to share at home or they actively tried to change their […]
Sila hamulcow psychieznych
Sila hamulcow psychieznych ma zasadnicze znaezenie dia zachowania wiernosci seksualnej. Dobrze wyrobione hamulce jeszcze przed okresem dojrzewania seksualnego pozwalajq czlowtekowi na latwiejsze opanowanie і podporzqdkowanie wszelkich przejawow pop? du seksualnego. Pozwalajq tez na dochowanie wiernosci seksualnej jednemu partnerowi, thirno dzialania wielu czynnikow sprzyjajqcych jej zlamaniu. Sila tych hamulcow jest najwi? ksza w okresie pelnej wydolnosci […]
Breach of Promise
Suits for breach of promise reflected this evolution. American states have always varied widely in their treatment of such suits, but on the whole, state courts became more receptive to large settlements for breach of promise as the nineteenth century wore on, then reversed direction during the twentieth century. Breach of promise suits, a mixture […]