What is it, finally, that we really look for in a mate? Men and women report that at the top of their list is mutual attraction and love (Buss et al., 2001). In addition to this, people are in surprising agreement on what other factors they want in an ideal partner. A study of homosexual, […]
День: 06.11.2015
Two octaves higher
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries not only the directors of opera companies, but also the Catholic Church made grateful use of men castrated at a young age. In Italy at that time, if you had a reasonable voice when you were ten and came from a poor family there was a good chance that […]
Communicative Rationality, Autonomy, and Community
Habermas uses the concept of consensus to articulate an ideal of socialization and enculturation, an ideal of the just society, and an epistemological theory of justified belief. For Habermas, the coincidence of these various functions in one particular type of social relationship—a rationally grounded consensus—is no accident. Defining the ideal consensus as one in which […]
The Skoptsy
Much later, in the eighteenth century, in the Russian Skoptsy sect, it became the custom after fathering two children to have not just the testicles but the greater part of the penis removed. First the testicles were destroyed (originally with red-hot iron bars, but later a knife was preferred). The second procedure comprised the removal […]
Sex work in China
Elaine Jeffreys A 2006 article in the International Herald Tribune claims, somewhat remarkably, that the sex industry is probably the fastest growing industry in China, a situation which ‘ordinarily’ would be ‘grist for all manner of conversation’, from social inequalities to the public health implications and to the need for legal reform. That article concludes, […]
“You Seem So Warm and Understanding”
On the other hand, it should be some relief to those of us not blessed with cover-model looks that a large percentage of people cite personality as the most important factor in choosing their partners. Though people tend to be attracted to others with personalities like theirs, the general traits cited as most important are […]
Eroticising raee in Cape Town, South Africa
Bo’nkosi was nearing thirty in 1999 when he wrote his essay. Among the many, complicated emotions revealed in Bo’nkosi’s essays is anger. It is clear from reading the essay that his anger is imbricated with desire. He tells us that in his “township” they “usually saw a couple of beautiful ladies who were called prostitutes”. […]
«What Takes Me Deeper into Porn?”
Identifying My Accelerators This checklist can help you determine what factors you have in your life right now that may be leading you into a stronger relationship with porn. Put a check (✓) next to each item with which you agree: __ I hide my porn from others. __ I lie to maintain my contact […]
Gender Differences Among GP’s
There have been a number of studies examining gender differences among GPs. Studies in Australia (Britt et al. 1996) and the Netherlands (van den Brink-Muinen et al. 1998) found, not unexpectedly, that female GPs tended to handle more gynaecological patients than male GPs. These studies also found that female GPs were more often sought out […]
Aktywnosc popqdu seksualnego ‘
Im wi? ksza jest aktywnosc pop^du seksualnego, tym trudniej jest podporzqdkowac go innym uczuciom w celu dochowania wiernosci seksualnej. A wi? c duza sila pop? du seksualnego sprzyja nasileniu si? tendencji poligamicznych, Sila ta warunkuje jego wi? ksz£j aktywnosc і powstawanie silnych reakcji podniecenia przy zadzialaniu bodzca seksualnego. Zrodlem takich bodzcow moze bye niekonie — […]