День: 06.11.2015

Two octaves higher

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries not only the directors of opera companies, but also the Catholic Church made grateful use of men castrated at a young age. In Italy at that time, if you had a reason­able voice when you were ten and came from a poor family there was a good chance that […]

Communicative Rationality, Autonomy, and Community

Habermas uses the concept of consensus to articulate an ideal of socialization and enculturation, an ideal of the just society, and an epistemological theory of justified belief. For Habermas, the coincidence of these various functions in one particular type of social relationship—a rationally grounded consen­sus—is no accident. Defining the ideal consensus as one in which […]

The Skoptsy

Much later, in the eighteenth century, in the Russian Skoptsy sect, it became the custom after fathering two children to have not just the testicles but the greater part of the penis removed. First the testicles were destroyed (originally with red-hot iron bars, but later a knife was preferred). The second procedure comprised the removal […]

Aktywnosc popqdu seksualnego ‘

Im wi? ksza jest aktywnosc pop^du seksualnego, tym trudniej jest podporzqdkowac go innym uczuciom w celu dochowania wiernosci seksualnej. A wi? c duza sila pop? du seksualnego sprzyja nasileniu si? tendencji poligamicznych, Sila ta warunkuje jego wi? ksz£j aktywnosc і powstawanie silnych reakcji podniecenia przy zadzialaniu bodzca seksualnego. Zrodlem takich bodzcow moze bye niekonie — […]