Herbert Graf (the real name of ‘Little Hans’) made his debut on the psychoanalytic stage two years prior to Freud’s publication of his full case history in 1909. In his open letter to a Hamburg physician (Dr. M. Furst), Freud deploys Hans (then Herbert) evidentially to support his thesis that ‘sexuality should be treated like […]
День: 07.11.2015
While infant and childhood masturbation may in fact be among the most universal of human experiences, the meanings and consequences of such activity are varied. Like most of the dimensions of infantile sexuality, the understanding of the content of inf fantile and childhood masturbation rests upon borrowed words and thoughts, words and thoughts borrowed from […]
Naming practices: ‘Parent’
The terminology Andrea uses is indicative of the negotiation of kinship terms relating to co-mothers. Charis Cussins[289] has examined the strategies used by women using assisted reproductive technologies at a US clinic to determine who would be considered the mother of a child resulting from donor eggs and/or the use of (host or full) surrogacy. […]
The Callosum Colossus
Suppose my utopian vision, as described in the last chapter, came to pass. Would all gender differences disappear? Would we award jobs, status, income, and social roles based only on individual differences in physique, intellect, and inclination? Perhaps. But some would argue that no matter how widely we opened the door, ineluctable differences between groups […]
Domestic prostitution
While prostitution for US troops in the post-war period is tied to US neo-colonial and economic interests in the Korean peninsula, the growth of a domestic prostitution industry for local clients is connected to the creation of a new urban proletariat in industrialising South Korea. When major general Park Chung Hee (1917—79) seized power in […]
Discovering Your Partner’s Needs
■ Efforts to communicate with sexual partners are often hindered by yes/no questions, which encourage limited replies. Effective alternatives include open-ended and either/or questions. ■ Self-disclosure can make it easier for a partner to communicate her or his own needs. Sharing fantasies, beginning with mild desires, can be a particularly valuable kind of exchange. ■ […]
Military prostitution in South Korea
In the final stages of the Second World War the United States and the Soviet Union had negotiated a joint occupation of Korea. After Japan’s surrender Soviet troops moved to occupy the north, and American forces took control of the southern part of the peninsula whose dividing line became the 38th parallel. As Japan’s total […]
Toward the End of Gender Tyranny: Getting There from Here
Simply recognizing a third category does not assure a flexible gender system. Such flexibility requires political and social struggle. In discussing my ‘‘five sexes’’ proposal Suzanne Kessler drives home this point with great effect: The limitation with Fausto-Sterling’s proposal is that legitimizing other sets of genitals. . . still gives genitals primary signifying status and […]
Time in Rank
Finding 5-8: Time in rank as an assistant professor has grown over time for both male and female faculty. Men who were full professors at the time of the survey had spent the least amount of time in rank as assistant professors. This was true across all disciplines. Finding 5-9: Women who were associate professors […]
Masturbation is one of the most underreported sexual behaviors in adolescence. This is mainly because adolescent masturbation is a sensitive topic, and adolescents are often somewhat reluctant to admit to doing it (C. J. Halpern et al., 2000a). Masturbation during adolescence is more likely to be reported during adulthood than during adolescence itself. As boys […]