■ The way we form attachments, which has its roots in infancy, greatly affects how we relate to loved partners. ■ Securely attached children, who learn that parents are a source of security and trust, demonstrate much greater social competence than insecurely attached children, who are classified as either anxious-ambivalent or avoidant. ■ Attachment styles […]
День: 07.11.2015
A person who feels personally attacked or victimized by a partner’s criticism or contempt is likely to respond with defensiveness. This involves constructing a defense rather than attempting to discuss and resolve an issue. Defensiveness can take the form of self-protective responses, such as making excuses, denying responsibility, or replying with a criticism of one’s […]
Promotion to Full Professor
Finding 5-6: For the six disciplines surveyed, 90 percent of the men and 88 percent of the women proposed for full professor were promoted—a difference that was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in the probability of promotion to full professor due to gender of the candidate, after accounting for other potentially important […]
“I’m Neglecting Important Areas of My Life ”
Consuming porn may start out as an exciting form of entertainment or a way to facilitate and enhance masturbation, but over time it can shift from being something extra you do on the side, to an activity that significantly interferes with other pursuits in your life. Many porn users tell us that they have become […]
Body politics
For equality to be achieved it was argued that women must be able to control their reproductive capacities. The contraceptive pill had only become available in the 1960s. It did bring some improvement as it did not rely on the male partner’s willingness to cooperate. However, it was not always 100 per cent effective and […]
. Don’t Forget to Breathe
who are in school together, or they may be preoccupied with concerns related to survival, something from which most adolescents are shielded. The pattern for young adolescents who have identified their homosexual feelings may be quite different from that of their heterosexual counterparts. Often, gay and lesbian adolescents feel that they don’t really fit into […]
Early Adolescence (Ages 12 to 13)
In early adolescence, preteens begin to shift their role from child to adolescent, trying to forge an identity separate from their family by establishing stronger relationships with peers. Perhaps you remember developing a close friendship at this age—another adolescent with whom you became extremely close (and from whom you may have moved apart later on). […]
The data collected for this study was strictly descriptive in nature. For this foundational study, the individual cases were categorically sorted within and analyzed for patterns within the groupings of the keywords used for the search. Four distinctive groupings were analyzed in this study: groups associated with disabilities or having a disability, race/ethnicity, gender, and […]
“Like a virgin… touched for the very first time”—Madonna, 1984 “I knew a girl named Nickie, I guess you could say she was a sex fiend. Met her in a hotel lobby masturbating to a magazine”—Prince, 1984 “Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me”—Salt-N-Pepa, 1990 “I can feel your body, pressed […]
Psychosexual Development: Emotional Self-Awareness
Puberty is, by far, the most psychologically and socially difficult of the life cycle changes. There are a number of tasks that adolescents struggle with: achieving comfort with their bodies, developing an identity separate from their parents’, trying to prove their capacity to establish meaningful intimate and sexual relationships, beginning to think abstractly and futuristically, […]