Ruth Barraclough Introduction In one of the permanent exhibits at the Seoul Museum of History (Soul Yoksa Pakmulkwan) kisaeng or traditional courtesans are commemorated as part of the history of modernising Seoul in the twentieth century. Photographs, postcards and costumes of kisaeng from the 1910s and 1920s are displayed alongside pictures of the grand ornamental […]
День: 07.11.2015
Communication Patterns in Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships
What does research reveal about the communication patterns in successful, satisfying, long-lasting relationships versus the communication patterns in unhappy relationships that usually fail in the long run? The most informative research on communication patterns in relationships has been conducted by psychologist John Gottman and his colleagues (Gottman, 1994; Gottman & Silver, 2000; Gottman et al., […]
Relationships With Peers
As children age and try to determine how they will fare in the world outside the family, their peer groups increase in importance. Learning acceptable peer-group sexual standards (acceptable attitudes and moral values) is as important as learning all the other attitudes and behaviors. Children learn acceptable attitudes and behaviors for common games, sports, and […]
Elite Emergencies
If monitoring (parents keeping track of their children’s activities and whereabouts) is conflated with safety across the board, among the more elite parents the notion of safety is frequently expanded to cover a wide spectrum of situations that become defined as “emergencies” and therefore are thought to require parental responsiveness. Much as the sounds made […]
8. Paradoxes of Female Sexuality in Mali
On the Practices of Magonmaka and Bolokoli-kela Assitan Diallo Introduction According to what is perceived as ‘tradition’ in Mali, open discussions about sexual issues are taboo and often perceived as a lack of virtues. Till recently, interests in sexuality and sexual behaviour among Malians have only been found among a handful of foreign writers. With […]
Touch is a powerful vehicle for nonverbal sexual communication between lovers. Hands can convey special messages. For example, reaching out and drawing your partner closer can indicate your readiness for more intimate contact. In the early stages of a relationship, touch can also be used to express a desire to become closer. When I meet […]
In contrast to strategies designed to change roles, supermoming was a common working mother’s strategy for coping with the work at home without imposing on their husbands. About a third of mothers pursued this strategy, often in combination with other strategies. Supermoms put in long hours at the office but kept their children up very […]
Influences of Schools and Peers
Learning one’s place in the community is an important function of the school experience. Along with reading and spelling, children are tutored (implicitly and explicitly) in gender roles and sexual mores. Investigators have demonstrated that social class determines how children are treated. For example, children from middle-class families receive more praise and are treated in […]
Cluster Concepts of Care
In this context of fluid and changing definitions of families, a basic core remains which refers to the sharing of resources, caring, responsibilities and obligations. What a family is appears intrinsically related to what it does. All the studies in this book suggest that while there are new family forms emerging, alongside new normative guidelines […]
Interpersonal Distance
Social psychologists and communication specialists have much to say about personal space. The essence of this idea is that we tend to maintain different distances between ourselves and the people with whom we have contact, depending on our relationship (actual or desired) to them. The intimate space to which we admit close friends and lovers […]