День: 07.11.2015

Nonverbal Sexual Communication

Sexual communication is not confined to words. Sometimes a touch or a smile can convey a great deal of information. Tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, and changes in breathing are also important elements of such communication: Sometimes when I want my lover to touch me in a certain place, I move that portion of […]

The Pill and the IUD

Because of their more than 98 percent reliability and their requirement of a physician’s services to be obtained and used, oral contraceptives and IUDs (intrauterine devices) are known as "medically effective" methods.39 Next to abortion and surgical sterilization, the method of fertil­ity control used most frequently among American women since the mid — 1960s has […]

The Right To Refuse

Modern management manuals devote a great deal of thought to how to get parents to go along with suggested treatments. Clearly it is a matter of great delicacy. And so it must be, because parents can be intractable. Sometimes they assert their own views about their child’s sex and about the degree of surgical alteration […]

Summary and Conclusions

Sexuality is a social-political arena constantly reshaped through cultural, econom­ic, familial and political relations, all of which are conditioned through prevailing social organizations of gender, race and class relationships at given points in time. In Africa male and female sexualities have been patterned by cultural defini­tions of masculinity and femininity. Female sexuality is seen as […]

Sexual Fantasies

Children as young as 4 or 5 have fantasies with erotic content, and children between the ages of 6 and 10 can become physically aroused by thinking about these fantasies (Langfeldt, 1981a). Children are sometimes fearful of their fantasies, worrying that thinking about certain acts would lead them to actually perform them (Langfeldt, 1981b). As […]

Exotic Dancing

Legal efforts to classify varying forms of sex-for-money relation­ships go farther than criminal prostitution or income tax evasion. The case of lap dancing, for instance, has created a great deal of controversy precisely as a result of its uncertain legal status. Uncer­tainty begins with the entertainment’s very name. Professionals pre­fer to call the practice exotic […]