День: 07.11.2015

Sexual Behavior: Learning About the Birds and Bees

Children through the middle and late childhood years continue to masturbate, engage in heterosexual and homosexual contact, enjoy displaying their genitals and seeing those of other children, and sometimes even attempt intercourse. Prepubescence is the age of sexual discovery; most children learn about adult sexual behaviors such as inter­course at this age and assimilate cultural […]

Saying No

Many of us have difficulty saying no to others. Our discomfort in communicating this direct message is perhaps most pronounced when it applies to intimate areas of rela­tionships. This is reflected in the following anecdotes: Sometimes my partner wants to be sexual when I only want to be close. The trouble is, I can’t say […]


A man who wants to know exactly how things are put together down in his scrotum can find out most easily by sitting in a hot bath and feeling himself. Besides being informative, such a voyage of discovery can help in identifying any abnormality at an early date, assuming of course that one has some […]


The division between ‘public’ and ‘private’ is artificial; the terms only make sense through opposition to each other. The public is that which is not private and vice versa (Pateman, 1988). For feminists ‘the private’ usually referred to the domestic sphere, but there are other usages of the term which refer to civil society, for […]

Feminist Discourse/Practical Discourse

Simone Chambers At his most ambitious, Habermas claims that the ideal of a consensually steered society is inherent to discourse ethics.1 What would such a society look like? What would it require of citizens? What place does or should consensus have in our pluralistic world? Although not for the most part inspired by Habermas, many […]