Arnfred Page 178 Wednesday, March 3, 2004 2:38 PM Assitan Diallo mixed lotions and ointments that lubricate, cleanse and smooth the female genitalia. Different types of these ‘love concoctions’ are put, usually secretly, in the groom’s daily food to boost sexual desire and reinforce sexual performance. The purpose of all these products called maya-dyalan1 and […]
День: 07.11.2015
Evaluating the experimental practice of hormone research, we may conclude that disciplinary styles are an important factor in structuring the laboratory activities of scientists. In the study of sex hormones, each discipline opted for a specific type of test. Obviously, scientists have specific disciplinary interests with regard to certain test methods. The choice of standard […]
JANET SHIBLEY HYDE AND JOHN DeLAMATER The topic of sexuality during pregnancy and the year postpartum is ripe for feminist analysis because it represents the combination of biological events that are unique and meaningful to women (pregnancy and childbirth) with a heavy layer of social constructions based on cultural beliefs about the proper roles of […]
Future research and practice
Women who exchange sex in Mongolia function in an economic, social and political environment in rapid transition. Despite facing critical challenges which require innovative and comprehensive solutions, women demonstrate enormous resilience, independence and responsibility. Future research, policies and interventions aimed at harm reduction and empowerment for these women should fully consider their strengths demonstrated in […]
Asian Women
The development of a sexual identity in Asian culture is complicated by the fact that it is considered taboo to discuss sex, which is deemed a shameful topic (Chan, 1997). Wolf (1995) noted that the avoidance of sexual discussion made virtually impossible any true survey of sexual practices among most Asian groups. Indeed, any Asians […]
Too Old to Believe in the Stork: The. Campaign for S ex E ducation
Despite the taboos on women’s knowledge and discussion of sexuality, the right of women to decide on the number and timing of pregnancies was advocated in most feminist groups by 1900. As Carol Dyhouse points out, the topic was usually placed in the general context of “feminine autonomy within marriage and of mutual desire and […]
Indian Women
Cultural values and belief systems permeate the mind of an Indian woman’s view of her place in the world. Life views are based primarily on an understanding of ones dharma and karma. Dharma, a Hindu concept, is defined as the traditional established order, including all individual, moral, social, and religious duties. Each person’s dharma is […]
Evolving Goals of Sexuality Education
Sexuality education can have different goals. Knowledge acquisition, improving personal psychological adjustment, and improving relationships between partners are popular goals. Early sexuality education programs focused primarily on increasing knowledge levels and educating students about the risks of pregnancy (Kirby, 1992), believing that if knowledge levels were increased, then students would understand why it was important […]
Consensus and Pluralism
The women at Seneca were trying to create a “communal life of nonviolence”—an “alternative world.” Another way to put this is that they were trying to create an ideal way of life. This is not a realistic or even desirable goal for society at large. Many if not most citizens would find Seneca communal life […]
In the measuring of female sex hormones it is obvious that the preferences for specific tests are specific to various disciplines. But what about the measuring of male sex hormones? How did scientists attach the label “male” to substances? Using a logic similar to that used in the study of female sex hormones, scientists decided […]