День: 07.11.2015

Multivariate Modeling of Time in Associate Professor Rank

To examine what institutional and individual characteristics influence the number of months full professors in our sample spent as associate professors before being promoted, we examined data on 265 respondents. It was necessary to limit the sample to those full professors who had remained at the same institu­tion since they were hired as assistant professors […]

Physical Development: Puberty

Until a child’s body starts the enormous changes involved in puberty, the sexual or­gans grow in size only to keep up with general body growth and change very little in their physiological activity. Though the body begins internal changes to prepare for puberty as early as age 6 or 7, the first outward signs of […]

Express Your Feelings

It can be helpful to talk about your feelings in response to a complaint rather than let­ting those feelings dictate your response. Your partner’s complaint may cause you to feel angry, hurt, or dejected. Putting your feelings into words is probably more effective than acting them out. Responses such as yelling, stomping out of the […]

AGES 6 TO 12

Between the ages of 6 and 12, the first outward signs of puberty often occur, and both boys and girls become more private about their bodies. Children begin building a larger knowledge base about sexual information—and acquire information from many sources, including their parents/caregivers, peers, and siblings. During the middle childhood to preteen years, children […]

Czynniki psychologiczne і spoleczno-kulturowe

Dla rozwoju emocjonalno-seksualnego nie mniej wazna od czynnikow natury biologicznej jest rola czynnikow srodowiskowych. Wszelkie srodowiskowe czynniki natury fizycznej mogq sprzyjac prawidlowemu rozwojowi emocjonalno — — seksualnemu lub tez wypaczac go poprzez urazy fizyczne czy choroby. Jakiekolwiek uszkodzenie chociazby jednego ze wszystkich opisanych wyzej mechanizmow biologicznych, b? dqce nast? pstwem srodowiskowego czynnika natury fizycznej, wydatnie […]

Ask Clarifying Questions

Your partner may deliver a complaint so vaguely that you need clarification. If this hap­pens, ask questions. Suppose your partner complains that you do not take enough time in your lovemaking. You might respond by asking, "Do you mean that we should spend more time touching before we have intercourse, or that I should wait […]